Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
just a question???
say i have a mature tank and all and decide to get some LR and its not cured,
1. can i not just put it in and let it cure or will it start a spike of ammonia???
2. if i cant just put it in then what do i do to cure it so i can put it in???
1. It may start a new cycle, if it does the ammonia spike may kill your inhabitants. Too costly to chance for me.
2. Get a container big enough to hold the rock, put in saltwater, powerhead, heater and new uncured rock. Let run, checking levels every couple of days. I have heard you may be able to hurry this process along by doing water changes every few days. In this case you are not "cycling" anything, you are trying to get rid of the die off. Hit with a toothbrush now and then to help get rid of the dead stuff. You will know when it is done when the ammonia is 0 and the rock doesn't smell bad any longer.