New LTA & Question


Finally took the plunge and got this LTA from the LFS and he seems to be doing very, very well! My question is in regards to my two Ocelleris clown fish who have been hovering around him. I heard the LTA will host the Ocelleris and I was wondering how the LTA begins to host the Ocelleris, like the process that occurs.
Thanks for your help!



When my clowns hosted my BTA they hovered around the anemone for a few days and would stare at it. If yours are doing that, there is a good chance they'll dive in it soon.


Shouldn't be an issue. They will terrorize that thing once/if they do. I posted a pic of my 2 clowns and my BTA the other day and it isn't that big of an anemone.
I can't tell you exactly if they will or will not be in the anemone any time soon so please just be patient.


Originally Posted by jrotunda85
My question is in regards to my two Ocelleris clown fish who have been hovering around him. ... I was wondering how the LTA begins to host the Ocelleris, like the process that occurs.
Thanks for your help!

Clownfish and Damselfish are the only species of fish which can avoid the stings of an anemone, which can be quite potent. The exact mechanism by which this is accomplished is the subject of debate, and there are several theories which may all be partly responsible. The details of these theories are complex, but they fall into two major categories. One theory is that their slime coating is based on sugar rather than proteins so anemones fail to recognize the fish as food and do not fire their nematocysts, or sting organelles. A similar theory is that the mucous coating mimicks the anemone's own coating, a theory that is bolstered by the fact that it takes several days for a clownfish to adapt to a new species of anemone.
There is no acclimation period when a clownfish is moved to another anemone of the same species. Not all anemones make suitable hosts--many sting and eat clownfish. Also, particular species of clownfish will only use particular species of host anemones in nature. In captivity, certain clownfish species will adapt to certain other anemone species, but not many. Another likely possibility is that their unique movements, which are unlike any other fish, let the anemone know that they are not food. This theory is bolstered by the fact that juvenile Clownfish, which have no coating, will immediately seek refuge in any compatible anemone and will not be stung. Juvenile clownfish will not survive for long without the protection of an anemone, and few actually find one before being eaten.
So you see it all depends on where your anemone came from , was it wild caught and already used to a certain type of anemone? Was it tank raised an has never seen an anemone? Was it tank raised with an anemone?
I've read where it has occured in just minutes and other times days and months go by before it happens.
The fact that your clown fish are starring at it is a good sign, they may begin to rub the tenticals with their face first, then gradually all over their bodies until the proper immunity has been built up. If all goes well they will live in harmony. But every situation is different.
Good luck


I like that you included that last sentence. My clowns visit each of the pictured anemones on a daily basis.



Active Member
hey there jrotunda85 good looking LTA i saw that up in the LFS up ur way. It looked like it was a pretty big one in the tank. So how do you like that LFS up that way. I kinda liked the 2 coral tanks even thought they dont know what they are doing up there. If you want to talk send me an e-mail some time littlebuck70 at yahoo dot com


Glad to hear another person has visited the store! I personally really like it, although their employees know nothing hardly unless you are l ucky and get the right ones. However, the manager/owner person is great and for the most part has been right on the money about what he's said to us.
The anemone we got is very very large! We happened to go in when they had just gotten them in and just took it home in the bag it came to them in. It has been doing great....lets all the shrimp clean him and stuff too which I thought was strange.
So far though the clowns have shied away....the first day they were curious now they don't seem to care for it anymore


Active Member
Tuesday I got a BTA from for my 2 ocellaris but so far they don't look interested in hosting it. My clowns are tank-bred so I assume they don't know what an anemone is!!!!
Thomas, could you please tell me if my assumption is true?
:help: :help: :help: :help: :help:


It's possible that they don't, however there is hope, mine were also tank raised and also ocellaris clowns. Been so long now I don't even remember how long it took mine to take to the anemone. Print a pic of the false percs in a BTA and maybe they will get the idea.