New mantis tank 6 pack!


Here is my new tank set up it is a 30g acrlic tank with a 10g sump. Here are some pics of my fishtank that will be soon home to a peacock mantis. (clownfish is being sold soon)



Hopefully in the next day or so a mantis will arrive at my LFS.. im so anxious, i dont think ill be able to get my cleaner shrimp out, geuss he will be a welcome home present :D


1) the last pic are button polyps, never looked healthy in old tank and now there thriving like my frogspawn
2) to get the spray bar up, i just connected a hose going to the top of the tank then the house to some pvc fittings that go into the tank and the long spray bar, after that i drilled some hole in it and it works pretty good.