New Maroon


I just got this Maroon Clown yesterday, and she's taken to hosting in this long tentacle, my rose, as well as my carpet anemones. I guess she thinks that as long as they are vacant she has squatter's rights to any of them. I hope she hosts in the rose, she may help it to grow.


Active Member
I don't think all those anemones in one tank with a hosting clown is a good idea at all. The clown "acclimates" itself to the anemone by coating itself with the anemone's stinging cells so it won't get stung anymore. Then if it goes back and forth between anemones then the stingning cells would be transfered to each anemone. The clown would be single-handedly turning the tank into the site of a chemical warfare between the 3 anemones. Watch out if any begin to act weird, shrivel up, not eat, change color, etc.


Would adding another maroon to possibly host in one of the other anemones would help? I have had all three in this tank for about 4 months, and up until last week I had a Saebe clown in them. The Maroon rplaced her. I could add another Maroon.


maroons can be the meanest of clown careful if u try to match em up, plus if they become a pair, then they will most likely share an anemone


Better to give up one of those anemonies. I can practacly guarnetee a problem if either of them starts to roam around the tank. Carpets have a stronger sting and stickiness to them and if the rose ever contacts with it then it could be goodbye rosie :nervous:


i ahve a question about that "anemone warfare"
i understand what ur saying that if the clown travels between all the anemone then it will sting all the others, but carole said hers split and now she has 3.....well if a clown hosts in all of her 3 roses, will the same thing hapen with the stingy, or since they are kind of the same thing, would it not be a problem?
kinda u see what im saying?:notsure:


Same speicies anemone can group together and can host the same clownfish, my BTA's are proof of that and my two clowns flit between 6 of them that I have seen.
However this guy is trying to keep two different speicies of anemone's together, thus you have two different types of stining celled animals that would definatly compete for space or react when they encounter each other.
The clownfish may perhaps immunize himself for both of them, on that I am not entirely sure of, nor can I speak about what the clown may cause if he were to carry anything back and forth between the two anemonies, If that is what you mean then good question, I'll have to do some research on that.