New math?


Got my Lifereef overflow today and was getting read to put it all together when I read in the Mag 9.5 instructions that maximum flow is obtained with a minimum hose ID of 1.5". The output port is 3/4". Ummmmm.....Am I missing something here?
I am no engineer but I think it has something to do with a drag coefficient. You have drag even in a straight pipe that is level so by making the pipe 1.5 you have less drag. And The output can get away with it because there is very little drag at the 1 inch length head it creates. I believe that is how it works though am not completely positive.


Let me ask this: When you run your hose from the return pump to the display (with whatever size hose you desire), what do you connect the hose to going into the tank?
I personally don't have anything set up to confirm it but I would think if you used a pvc-y from 1.5 to 3/4 inch you could split it without losing too much flow. But truly I don't think you would lose that much flow if you used the 3/4 inch straight out of the pump as long as the head is low. I wa just attemptint to give reasoning why they stated maximum flow obtained with 1.5 inch pipe.