New member saying hi


Hello all, been lurking off and on for a while. Had a funny incident tonight that finally made me pull the trigger and log in.
When I first bought my live rock I noticed a small shrimp-like thing that would dart out of sight when I approached my tank. I have been trying for almost a year to get a photo of this, unsuccessfully. Finally today I figured out it's a mantis shrimp, and learned they like to eat. So I decided to try to feed it a piece of frozen krill I still had from an anemone. What do you know, as I walk up to the tank there it is, peering out at me; I run to the freezer and grab a piece, and just reach in up to my elbow to put the krill in the LR near where I saw the mantis... the darn thing pulled the krill out of my fingers!! That was too much for me. I feel kinda silly that this caused me to post, but hopefully all you enthusiasts here know my feeling.
So here's a photo of my "old" setup; it's tough to see detail in this small photo. I had an unfortunate turn of events shortly after this was taken, while away from town for a few days. Still trying to figure out what triggered it, I'm thinking power outage, but the only survivors in my tank were some invertibrates, my clown fish, and the foxface. Even most of the coralline algae died off, turned completely white. I almost wept to see everything rotting away before my eyes when I got home. So much time put into building that tank, and the corals had been absolutely thriving, most doubled in size since I bought them.
Now I'm rebuilding, about a month into it, and loving that I can do it from the start with the resources on this site. I went ad hoc (hence the screen name) on my first salt water setup, using only "The Concientious Marine Aquarist".
So just saying hi.


welcome, and let me be the first to warn you, if you have a mantis, watch out, they can break glass tanks with there powerful appendeges.... never ever ever feed your mantis byu hand again, thats asking to go to the hospital... other than that, welcome and tell us about your current set up


Hey, thanks for the warning. After seeing (or barely seeing) how timid the thing was for all this time, getting the krill snatched was the last thing I expected. Now I know... I have been listening to the mantis clicking its claws since day one, loud enough to hear from another room... I'll be hard pressed to get it out of my tank though, and for the past year it's caused no probs... it's also been one of my fav inhabitants.
I have a pretty basic setup, and honestly don't remember all the details anymore. A 55-gallon bowfront glass tank. Bought a power compact light hood, 2x96 W. Converted my 3' hood from standard flourescent to PC (1x96W I think) and have a standard actinic flourescent 18". Lighting levels kept a brown acropora alive in my last tank, but it was as high as I could place it and did not grow much, mainly just maintained its size. Montipora did really well though.
Have an overflow and hang-on-the-back skimmer. I made my own sump (Boy I'd construct that thing differently if I did it again), which I initially put a homemade skimmer in to supplement my hang-on-the-tank skimmer. It was not well made tho, so now my sump is pretty much comprised of a couple filter sections, bioballs, and a return pump.
I have a few powerheads to supplement the return pump (500 gph) in my system, the tank flow seems to keep everything pretty happy. I no longer remember how many pounds of LR I added, but you can get a rough feel from that photo. Prior to the "incident" my tank was really balanced, my skimmer wouldn't even fill up its collection tank in a month.
I now have the two clowns and fox face. Other survivors were pretty much the inhabitants that made it into my tank on the LR - a couple crabs, feather dusters, small polyps, some unidentified nudibranches, and of course a ton of little critters. Also my snails, incl a cowrie, and a brittle star. I've added two montiporas (well, I'm only sure one of them is, I'm not good at remembering classifications), a toad stool (which has a 1 cm tall "baby" hidden on its base rock), a colt, a pagoda, and a frogspawn bubble. Nothing really worth posting photos of at this point.