New Member


New Member
Hi All..... I'm new to the board.... Been into fresh water tanks only but always admired the salt ones.... I'd like to learn enough that I would feel comfortable getting one set up..... I'm also thinking of setting up a piranha tank..... Appreciate any input.....
King Joe <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Welcome. Guys, I guess we have another victim here. :D Feel free to ask us anything. Read and ask questions. That's the best way to learn, have a thriving tank and save a lot of $$$$$.


Active Member
welcome, aboard, victim(LOL), but seriously, yes, ask all the q's you need, i would get a couple of books, and then ask q's, we would be gald to help, but you may be asking 30 questions a day, if you hav enough info(but taht is fine too), you just may not get all of them answered(sometimes post get over looked), but we would love ot help you, jsut remember that we are here because we want to be and want to help you avoid the mistakes that many of us didn't, or maybe even did avoid, but the fact is we have nothing to gain at all, if you sink or swim(no pun intended), so please listen to it as advice and opinions based upon experiences, not someone trying to talk you into or out of something, but as advice(generally given for a reason), we have no possible way reason to steer you awry(even if someonde did try, you'd here it from many more, we hate pranksters here and take this very seriously)
again welcome, this isn't a hobby, but an addiction


Active Member
I'm from PA but I'm not sure if pirahanas are leagal there. I know here in NY you need a license for a piranah. (They are afraid you might put the piranah in a river or lake and it would eat everything) I'd check on how PA is for piranah licensing...they might just not be allowed at all.


Active Member
unless, something recently changed, you can get pirannha her in pa, they had them the other day in our one lfs, and i know a lot of people who have had them too
where at in eastern pa??, some towns do have ordinances, i know hazelton was recently trying to pass one on all dangerous species, and reptiles, and all kinds a bs