New MH unit - suggestions on acclim


Active Member
My brother got a new outer orbit MH system for his 75 gallon tank today (I know its not Christmas yet..). Anyways I want suggestions on how slow to acclimate his new stuff to these lights so tomorrow I can print this page out and give it to him. I've never had MH so I dont know the exact routine.
His current lights are 2 65 watt pcs over a 75 gallon tank (sucks horribly). Now he has 2x150 10000k watt halides and 2x130 watt actinic bulbs. I suggested to him that he drop everything coralwise to the bottom of his tank and only keep the lights on for a few hours a day for the first week. He have a couple LPS (bubble, FP) and several leathers/xenia/shrooms.
Anyways I told him what >I< think he should do.. now what should I have told him? :p


Active Member
Actually, this is what I would recommend.
Don't move your corals around, keep them in place. Less stress that way.
Start with the halides on 5-6 hours per day with the actinics on the full day. Have the halides high above the 12-15 inches above the water surface. Every other day, increase the lighting period by 30 minutes and every 4-5 days lower the lights an inch. Keep this up until the lights are 8-10 inches above the water surface and the halides are on for 9-12 hours per day. You can do the actinics 1-1/2 hours before and after the halides for a dusk-to-dawn effect.
Merry Christmas!!!


Active Member
Well the outer orbit is a heavy unit, and they come with mounting legs.. so I dont really think he'll be able to adjust the height of the unit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Well the outer orbit is a heavy unit, and they come with mounting legs.. so I dont really think he'll be able to adjust the height of the unit.
Then just go with the timing schedule I mentioned.


Keep using the 2x65 watt PC's and start out adjusting the corals to the 2x130 watt actinics...maybe 1-2 hrs to start and add 1/2 hr every 3-4 days....After youhe get's the actinics up to 8 hrs a day or where he want's em I'd start adding the MH's, 1 hr to start and bump it up 1/2hr every 3-4 days until he gets where he want's em.
You can also use layers of egg crate to screen out the light....There's no reason to go fast.


I went from 260 CL pc to 2 150 de mh and 4 65 w pc atinics. I ran my atinics for 12 hours everyday. I ran them 6 hours then the mh 4 hour the first day and the atinics 6 hours after. The next day went up to 5 hours on mh then 6 and that is as long as I run them. Had to place some shrooms and LPS doughnut on the sand bed to bright for them. He will love them my corals are so much hardier now.


Problem with MH you have to run them 4 to 6 hours for break in so I chose to mount them and run them 4 You can place some plexiglass on top of the tank to cut back on strength as well. or eggcrate