New NANO Filtration


I just got my 24g JBJ NANO in the mail and was trying to figure out the best way to set up. When I was in the hobby a few years ago, bioballs and wet/dry was the way to go. Now it seems not so much.

My tank came with the spongy material, ceramic tubes (in a bag), charcoal (in a bag) and bioballs. Is any of this material salvagable as filtration media? And if Live Rock rubble (in the rear compartment) is the new preferred method, are there any extra steps necessary for natural filtration and how much should be used?
Anyone out there using the stock filtration with any success? :help:
What would be a good alternate setup for filtration?
Sorry if all this stuff has been covered before...just trying to do this the right way and kill as few animals as possible in the process (hopefully none).


Active Member
Take all the stuff in the back out, sponges, bioballs, ceramic rings, etc. Do a test run with water and check for leaks. Run it for a few days and make sure your pump does not overheat your water. If it does JBJ will replace it. All you need for filtration is live rock, live sand, and carbon and/or purigen in one of the chambers in the back. I got 20 lbs. of sand for a 2 inch sand bed and 40 lbs. of live rock which is a lot of rock, you could probably get away with 25-30 lbs.


Active Member
Is live sand a must for a 10g nano with corals and inverts? I painfully await the answer as I am cycling cc.


Active Member
You can use regular bagged sand as long as you have live rock, and it will get populated by the stuff in the liverock. Take a bit longer, but it will work just as well. Or just get a cup or two of live sand and add it to what you already have, assuming its sand, and not crushed coral substrate.