New nano/pico - 5 gallons

I have a 5 gallon tank set up with 7.8lbs of live rock, a 1" sand bed, filter for a 20 gallon tank and a 50 watt heater that I likely won't need. It's currently cycling. 1ppm ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5 nitrate. Ph of 8.2. Specific gravity is 1.022. I'm estimating a month to cycle.
I want to have 1 blue legged hermit, 1 clown goby, and 1 clownfish. I'm trying to avoid the urge to overstock. Once it's cycled (around the end of June, I think?) I'll add the hermit and possibly a snail or 2. I'm leaving town for a week at the end if July. My mom can feed the crab and check the water stats, but I don't want her to deal with feeding any fish so I'll add them the first week in August.
Should the tank be fine with just inverts for a month? And what should I feed them for that month? Everything I've read says that they are scavengers and eat leftover food. There won't be any fish yet. Should I just add a little frozen brine shrimp?
Does this seem like a good plan? Do I need to change anything