New Nano Setup


New Member
Here is my latest endevor. It is a 10 Gallon Reef using prmarily figii LR, Fine sand that is sortof live san(it is now after I cured it with the rock for 6-8 weeks), Skilter 250 modified running with a wooden airstone and air pump, 2 actinic whites and one super actinec blue with offset times for the blue running 1 hour before and one hour post white light cycle, I use RO only, 1 fluval powerhead(the tank gets lots of current as it is very small). I have sinse added a yellow cup coral, red gonipora, brown clove polyps, green star polyps, a buble coral(in 1 pic), and a welsophylia brain. I feed daily for the fish( royal grama and 2 yellowtail damsels) and for the corals zooplankton. I will post pics of the lates additions after this next weekend.
I have lots of experience with the nanos as this is all that I could ever afford to do in the past and I just wanted to set another up and saw plenty of you guys on here starting up your nanos as well. post whatever questions you have or recomendations as well. I am no expert on these buy any means but I have had every thing in a nano set up identically to this growing acroporas, montiporas, plates, toungs, bubles, sponges, many softs, etc.



looks good. nice coraline
hows that skilter work for you ?


New Member
Thanks, The skilter is a great little skimmer if you take the skimmer and turn it so that not so much current enters the tube from the pump output and run it with an airpump through a wooden airstone. This is the same setup I used in past nanos and the tanks did awsome.


New Member
Here is some more pics of my little nano. I have adde a Welsophilia brain, cloves, tubinaria, motipora digi., aleviopora, green star polyps, and a red gonipora. I hope you guys and gals like it. I also added an aquaclear 30 powerhead to whip things up in there.
