New Nano Tank


I got a wild caught mated pair of yellow stripe maroon clowns and a bubble tip.
Here are a few pics. I would like to breed them. Anyone ever had luck?



Active Member
cool little tank! what kind of lights you got over it? how old is it? and what size? sorry for all the ?s


Tank has been up for a while. 2-3 months. It is a 6 gallon with 7-8 lbs of live rock from my other tank. and 5-6 lbs of live sand/crushed coral from my other tank. Lights are stock for now. I am going to make something just need to get of my lazy a$$ and put it together.


Originally Posted by delaharsha
Tank has been up for a while. 2-3 months. It is a 6 gallon with 7-8 lbs of live rock from my other tank. and 5-6 lbs of live sand/crushed coral from my other tank. Lights are stock for now. I am going to make something just need to get of my lazy a$$ and put it together.
How long are you going to keep the stock lights? Cause th BTA won't live very long.


Active Member
Originally Posted by delaharsha
Tank has been up for a while. 2-3 months. It is a 6 gallon with 7-8 lbs of live rock from my other tank. and 5-6 lbs of live sand/crushed coral from my other tank. Lights are stock for now. I am going to make something just need to get of my lazy a$$ and put it together.
well it looks good so far but like every one sadi that tank is to small for 2 maroons and a bta. also the bta wont last long with stock lighting


Active Member
Originally Posted by patrick8929
well it looks good so far but like every one sadi that tank is to small for 2 maroons and a bta. also the bta wont last long with stock lighting
Even one clown would be cramped in that small a tank.


Active Member
I forgot... this is that one dumbass that had the octopus and sea horse in this same tank...
what happened to them? which died first? LOL...


Active Member
mbowswell is the bearer of the links hahaha. Yea Im not even going to say anything as Im sure it will follow from others.