New nano


How did you get your Nitrates down to 0?
My tank is over 6 months old was doing fine.
Christmas time everything died.... NItrates out the ceiling
and I cant get them down, no mater what I do.
I done everything people have told me, and continue to do water changes.....
I do have one thing in my tank.... an anemonie...
Would he be giving off anything?


Active Member
I actually said nitrItes, but my nitrAtes are holding steady around 80. I haven't done a big water change yet, but hopefully that will take care of them. What all's in your tank? Substrate and filtration wise. :)


OK, I am going at this a bit blind.
But, I think I can answer your questions.
My husband purchased a used cycled tank at Christmas.
It is a 12 gallon Nano Cube tank.
It is "factory default" filter, charcoal, heater, sponges.
I have two LR, LS, One Feather duster who made it through all the dieing off of the other fish.
One Ananomonie, pinkish with bright tips on his tenicals.
Two clown fish - small ones.
snails, crabs......
About 3 weeks ago I had a mess with green algea growing all over the back of my tank.. the snailes took care of that and today the back of the tank looks new.
the crabs seems to be doing well eating the junk on the bottom and on the rocks.
I have one little green crab, but he does not show himself much, comes out at night and stays in the LR.



Originally posted by lefty
I actually said nitrItes, but my nitrAtes are holding steady around 80. I haven't done a big water change yet, but hopefully that will take care of them. What all's in your tank? Substrate and filtration wise. :)

holding at 80 ??? :eek:
your not gonna put fish in there till they all zero out right ?


Active Member
Hence the fact I said "big water change." Worry not, there won't be any fish in there until it's below 15. :)
And there's actually a bit of a dilemma concerning what my nitrates are actually at. I have two different test kits, and one says 80 and the other says 10.


Active Member

Originally posted by Vikki7
OK, I am going at this a bit blind.
But, I think I can answer your questions.
My husband purchased a used cycled tank at Christmas.
It is a 12 gallon Nano Cube tank.
It is "factory default" filter, charcoal, heater, sponges.
I have two LR, LS, One Feather duster who made it through all the dieing off of the other fish.
One Ananomonie, pinkish with bright tips on his tenicals.
Two clown fish - small ones.
snails, crabs......
About 3 weeks ago I had a mess with green algea growing all over the back of my tank.. the snailes took care of that and today the back of the tank looks new.
the crabs seems to be doing well eating the junk on the bottom and on the rocks.
I have one little green crab, but he does not show himself much, comes out at night and stays in the LR.

If your anemone is still alive with nitrates that are high, your levels must not be too bad. What exactly are they? What test kit are you using? Oh, and do you have sand or CC?


Keep us updated on your nano progress Tang! I'd love to see a journal of it. My nano is fairly new...I just recently upgraded to same-size tank...but more wattage. I had an Eclipse 12 with 13w of lighting to now a nano cube with 126 watts of lighting. Here's the thread where I put all my junk:
I hope you find lots of ideas for your new tank, there are so many people on this board that have tanks that are just truly inspiring.