new nano??


I just ordered a 12gal nano cube tank. This is my first experience with nano and reef tanks..I currently have a 125gal FOWLR tank and need some more info on nano reefs. Any good places to start? I am sure i will be back with alot more questions before i start this up but the first thing i was wondering is if i could buy a couple of those 5 gal jugs of natural sea water to start up the tank? And if i fill it up with that and add LR and LS how long until i can start adding coral and fish? shouldnt it be pretty soon since that water is already cylced? Thanks


i believe it has nothing to due with the water being cycled. it has more to do with your tank being able to hold the biological load. i would say still need to cycle the tank.


great thanks..but i thought that the water already contains all the good stuff that u need to hold the bioload??


This is not true. Actually, the majority of the beneficial bacteria in a tank is in sand bed and live rock. If you want to avoid a cycle, established/used sand will help more than established water.


ok thanks alot guys for clearing that up for it sill beneficial to use this water? Its not like its gonna cost alot cause its a 12gal tank. So when i start it up im gonna buy LS,use the water, and buy like 20lbs of LR. What should i do after that? Should i add some inverts after a week or so? Then add a damsel maybe to help the cycle? How long should i wait to put in some corals? Thanks.


A damsel will help the cycle (although the mere mention may create some controversy). Also, live sand still has to cycle. To limit the cycle you could go to a LFS or friend with a tank and steal some used sand or cc. You could add directly to your sand bed but I prefer to place in a mesh bag and add to the filter.


ok what about taking some sand out of my 125gal FOWLR tank...its been established for like 8 months


that would work wonders by adding some sand from the old tank. even better if you can add some of the other tanks LR then your cycle will be so much easier. To be honest once you get a clean crew in their have you thought about a hob refuguim it will save you algea out breaks and benifiet your corals.


ok thank i will add some sand and rock from my old tank, is there room dor a HOB fuge on the nano cube 12?