new naso tang not eating


I bought a large 8" naso tang from my lfs 5 days ago... is very healthy and active and looks great... but it has still not eaten anything!... I've tried algae, flakes, seaweed, krill, shrimp... all other tangs are eating fine... the naso swims right by the food but does not eat... any ideas?...
How long can they live without eating?


Active Member
It can probably live a week or so with out eating if it is not stressed out. Have you tried the dried seaweed on a rock? Is it possible that the other fish are bullying it and it is scared to eat?


Whats your tank specs? Fishes? More info would help, if its not eating then somethings really bothering it.


Was this Naso eating at the shop and how long had it gotten in? Hopefully your shop has a return policy cause thats one of the Nasos problem, not eating.
I would do a large water change and soak some food in garlic extract . This will perk it up a bit and the garlic will give it appetite. Also find out what it was eating at the shop.