new need help


:help: i just bought 2 used 55 gal tanks and a stand that fits both. i have had freshwater tanks but now i think its time i try somethis new. i was wondering what i needed to get a saltwater tank going. i know the basics but what size of these things would be good.i was goingt o do a fo tank for the first 6-8 months to get everything going and then add corals so what can i get right now that will make everthing live. if anyone had any advice for me im open ears thx ryan :help:


Active Member
Welcome to the boards! You have come to the right place.
First buy a couple of books and read them. The New Saltwater Aquarium and The Conscientious Marine Aquarist are two good ones.
For FO you just need
lights, some sand and live rock, some saltwater, and a HoB filter. Some people like the big Emperors. A HoB protien skimmer like the AquaC Remora Pro would serve you better though, it will come in handy when you start getting into corals later.


i have read 2 books on the topic but nothing really gave any specs. how many watts of light would i need for the fo tank. plan on saving over the 8 monts for the big ones for my coral. what hpg pump would be good?


Active Member
ANy lights are ok for a FO tank. You will want between 550 to 1100 gph on your powerheads.


do i have to go straight for 55 pounds of lr or can i get 20-30 to start cycle and the add more?? will lr really seed sand??


Active Member
You can start small and work your way up. I have about 80 in my 70 gallon and plan to add another 20 or so pounds. Yes, LR will seed your sand with critters.