New Neon Dottyback ??


Do Neon Dottybacks eat Bristle worms? If so how fast? I haven't found much info on them. I just added on last night. When I read only one per tank is that 1 Neon Dottyback or do they mean 1 Dottyback. Is the rule sorta 1 fish of the same shape?


Active Member
2 dottybacks in the same tank would probably not work. Mine defends his little space in my 240 aggressivley. He only seems to really dislike fish that are similar to him in body shape.


I just took my neon dottyback out of my 75. He was kind of a jerk. Killed a couple small fish(mandarin and royal gramma)Every one is different but keep an eye on it and any fish of similiar shape.


Thanks - I appreciate any info. But how about the Bristle Worm problem. My lfs said he would have them taken care of in a couple of weeks.