New Nudilove Clam Garden Pics! Lots!


So, during todays weekly waterchange I noticed that my main central rock had been shifting precariously over my two sand dwelling clams. Therefore I decided to move it and make the tank look a bit deeper. I also have a bit of a hair algae thing goin' on because of the newish halides so I blew all the detritus and crap off the rocks with a small powerhead.
Well...Bucky the Squamosa did not appreciate this at all.... And promptly let go of this into the water colomn. That is his foot, for those who dont know, and he should be able to successfully regrow it.

He is happily opened now, so it looks like all is well, if you have any advice as far as things to look for to make sure he is recovering, let me know.
And here is the mini redo shot.

When gently adjusting the rocks around Mildred the Crocea, i found her to be latched on like no other, which is fine and worked nicely with the new rockscaping on that side.

And a shot of the brothers clam....

And one more from the side of the tank...

Thanks for looking, all comments appreciated!