New Oceanic RR Set Up Trouble...


New Member
Let me start off with saying that I'm a newbie.... and just getting started setting up my equipment and already feeling pretty dumb at this point.
I purchased a 105g Oceanic RR tank. I am trying to set up the pre-filter plumbing. When I bought the tank, the dealer only had the pre-filter plumbing for a 150ga Oceanic and he said that this would work in the 105ga....I am trusting that he correct on this....if not, let me know! When I try to install the return pipe, it seems too short. At the top of the overflow, there is a little cut out that the return fits into and then and elbow from there, which goes to a pipe which runs down to the fitting...inserts into the pre-drilled hole, etc. (I'm sure you guys are familiar with this....just trying to explain my problem!) When I try to set it up like this, it seems like the pipe is about 3/4 - 1" too short. Am I setting this up wrong? The pipe, elbow, fittings, etc. came pre-assembled from Oceanic, so I didn't mess with any of that. Anyway...any insight you can provide will be appreciated!


Mindy: More than likely its a result of the two tanks having different heights. Have you glued the pvc togother yet ? You could either talk to your LFS and see if he can get the correct pipe, or you could run up to the local hardware store and find a piece of the pipe (the long grey one i think) you need. It's just standard pvc piping, it should be really cheap.


Active Member
I agree the durso is the way to go, no more toilet, and now more waterfall. Sometimes I forget my tank is running.


Well I have a 155gl bow front and its not drilled, I have a hang on over flows and mine sounds like a waterfal anything I can do to quiet it down a bit? Sorry for jumping in your post Mindy