new oceanic sea salt mix


Active Member
anyone use it? what does your calcium and PH mix too?
im looking for a good salt mix that mixes to 400-450 ca and and ph of 8.2-8.4 anyone?


Do a search. There have been some threads were people have tested. If I remember right, though, people that tested found Ca above 400, Mg 1300 something...almost perfect, and good pH...don't remember exactly.


All right I just did the search myself...
Originally posted by Kip4130
i posted this in another thread
I just tested my sample
started with RO/DI measuring 1 TDS
Mixed the salt to 35ppt... warmed and aerated for 6hrs to 80*F
pH : 8.2 (w/ milwaukee pH controller)
dkh: 7.2 (low... but pretty average for most salt mixes) (/w salifert)
Ca: 440 (verified by the Ca reading midway thru a Sr test) (w/ Salifert)
NO3: 0 (Salifert)
Mag: 1350(I have never used a salt w/ Mag this good most salts are 900ish) (salifert)
PO4: no test (had a red sea.. it was crap)
Sr: 0-3ppm booooo! (Salifert)
i like how fast it dissolved and how quickly it arrived at 8.2
i like the mag and Ca
i would like to have seen higher Sr and dkh


New Member
I have read numerous posts that Oceanic is better than IO - mixes up easier and has more calcium. Since it is new - long term effects unclear.


Active Member
I use it and I like it. No, I never tested it before it went in the tank. But, ORA uses it, I believe they have been useing it for awhile now.


Active Member

Originally posted by krowleey
anyone use it? what does your calcium and PH mix too?
im looking for a good salt mix that mixes to 400-450 ca and and ph of 8.2-8.4 anyone?

I found it very accurate to those levels.. I also have not had a PH problem since I started using it.. It stays right at 8.3 for me


I love it! I have used IO in the past and always had trouble with my cal/alk/ph, but since I started using it I haven't had any problems. My levels are excellent and it's cheaper than IO.:cheer:


Hey, where can you get this stuff. I use IO right now and I am having trouble getting my pH above 8.0. It is 8.2 the day I do a water change but then right back down to 7.9. I no that is not the ideal range so I am looking for ways to get that pH higher.


Active Member

Originally posted by hariii2
Hey, where can you get this stuff. I use IO right now and I am having trouble getting my pH above 8.0. It is 8.2 the day I do a water change but then right back down to 7.9. I no that is not the ideal range so I am looking for ways to get that pH higher.

Your low pH is probably a result of poor oxygenation, not the salt mix. Try getting more water circulation, point a powerhead more at the surface to agitate the water more and your pH should rise.


Hey thanks 007. I did just get a new skimmer and it is putting out some great flow. My pH is 8.2 tonight. I will check again tomorrow and see what it is. I need to remember to put the full air blast on my power heads at night. I keep the air to the power heads off during the day so I can see my fish.


Staff member
I have started using this salt myself, about 6 wks ago. Have to agree with Kip in regards to near-perfect expectations on the salt.
The best part is that it has the calcium and it mixes so very well. I had ReefCrystals which is basically IO but with the added Cal, etc., for Reef application. Man, the salt just would not mix! It was encrusted all over my mix tank, PH's, etc.
Thumps up for Oceanic.


Active Member
I mixed up 50 gallons of Oceanic last month.
I like it too.
Time will tell, but so far seems encouraging.
Sorry IO


I got a jug of it as well. So far I like it is does take a bit more to get to the appropiate salinity but it works well. Hair algae seems knocked back a bit. which is good. Cost is right. So far so good.


I love it. May corals seem to like it too. I think they are opening up more. Could be my imagination. But I'm going to stick with it.


Active Member
I don't really think that the BB_BS issue is being mean although I can understand why the mods would be getting upset. I belive that BB_BS is doing exectly what you are speaking about.
since im using it its great
He has had success with tap and skimmerless, therefore nobody needs an R/O unit or skimmer. To allow a newbie to take his advice because he is the first response and not follow it up with caution would be irresposable on "our"(the online communities) part and arguably the mods part.
Also I like that new Oceanic Salt a lot.



Originally posted by footbag
I don't really think that the BB_BS issue is being mean although I can understand why the mods would be getting upset. I belive that BB_BS is doing exectly what you are speaking about.
He has had success with tap and skimmerless, therefore nobody needs an R/O unit or skimmer. To allow a newbie to take his advice because he is the first response and not follow it up with caution would be irresposable on "our"(the online communities) part and arguably the mods part.
Also I like that new Oceanic Salt a lot.

Not touching the BB_BS thing. As for the salt it is good. But I stopped by the store today and they raised the price 10 bucks for the jug. Ouch. Will have to think about it a little. They may have overshot the mark, demand greater than supply. But I do like it.


We have also been using Oceanic for about 6 weeks and have had good results. Dont know if its helping corals etc any more or less (its really only like two water changes)
, but our BTA recently split, most likely a coincidence.
Anyway, the salt mixes well and tests are good, I was worried that I wasnt doing it correctly with --, glad to know others were having the same experiences.
When we first bought our bucket it was $40, on sale, now the prices seem to have skyrocketed in the area. Next time theres a sale, I think we'll stock up.
Love to hear more exp. with the new mix, so far all has been pretty positive.


Active Member
welll my LFS carries oceanic now, i just bought a 200 gallon bucket of it, have yet to do my monthly water change so dunno the results but its looking good so far. u think doing 25 pct water changes with this new salt would be ok and not stress any of my animals? and how is the heck did the bb_bs thing get in this thread:notsure: lol anyways any imput is appreciated