
Ok so I just got my setup from the auction site... anyway someone with the 48" model I need some help... The legs... there are these clips that go over the sides of them then the legs slide into them.. My problem is the setup itself seems to be 48" long... my tank is 48" long.. but the legs bow out... and seem to be too wide for the tank... I bought the 48" fixture.. Am I putting these on wrong???? PLEASE HELP


cant really help but suggestion do not try to bend them while on the fixture as the part that attaches them to lights snaps easy. just FYI


Thanks.. yea i noticed that.. to make them fit.. I had to slide the legs toward the center.. so they are only about half on those plastic parts... its stable.. but... I dunno... ANYONE else please?


I have the same ones 48" and the legs don't fit right. What i did was moved the legs inward to sit on the tank. One leg is ok but the other leg had to be moved inwards and kinda hangs out of the track. Hard to explain but you have to pry on the piece that had the tracks for the legs inward to make the legs slide inwards.


Hey do you think you can post a pic.. because I have the legs on now one way, but i noticed if I flipped them and put them on the other side they kida fit put pieces stick far out from the light.. how they are now, they look like both of them are barly on the smaller slidding piece


I have that unit too. Seat the mounting as usual, but you have to push the slide bars on the mounting inward so far that they start to point down toward the tank. try to imagine here


hmm im kinda confused.. how bout this pic.. do these look right? i didnt know if they bend outward like they are or inward.. if they bend inward they stick far out of the unit

You can see it is barely even sitting on there.. like how is that even possible.. how is it not the right size?!?!


Thats unreal.. I mean like how did they design somethin so poorly.. and when I got it 3 of the bands holding the bulbs in were broken (no big deal tho)


funny, same here. I had the seller send me more bands. The lights function as promised though. Also expect the fans to go out in about 3 months. I have two units and both sets of fans are already bad, I haven't replaced them and nothing gone bad yet. For the money it's still a good deal.


Yea thats what Im about, I didnt wanna spend all the $$$ on big lights yet cause i never did corals yet so this way for cheap i can start slow and upgrade when I want... I was thinking about building a big wood canopy (my original doesnt fit with this now) and puttin two small pieces attached to the inside of both sides of the canopy that the fixture can just rest on and hold it up...these legs make me worried.. do you have a glass canopy under them.. i just took mine off when i got the lights


are they over open water? My temp has dropped 1 1/2 degrees and the heater has been on.. so that sucks its at about 78.5 79..... also about the canopyI like the look of mine but it doesnt fit So I figure if I build one.. putting two small blocks of wood on both sides I can seat the light on that


Also someone addes before they have the same lights and switched out the fan with diff ones.. I would love to know what new fans and how they did it.. These fans dont even seem to blow any air whatsoever.. haha man


yeah i looked into new fans. I took the dimensions from the old and searched on the internet. I found some good ones but didn't buy. what to look for is high cfm with low dbA.


Has your plexiglass cover gotten cloudy at all... i just rubbed mine from the splash.. and it got really cloudy.. i know Ill have to take it off and clean it right.. Just wonderin over time if it will get cloudy


i had one running over a year and it never got cloudy. I set-up my tank so that it has no to little splash. If you do get alot of splash your going to have to clean often to prevent that salt creep from forming. Another thing to mention is point a power head to agitate the surface water and you will get a more natural look from your lights, especially the moons.


well thats what I got I have a spray bar so the surface is really agitaing.. the moons look really cool... anyway the water isnt hitting it from the spray bar.. but the little bubbles the surface makes and sends forward 'pop' and a little water splashed.. not much at all.. no biggie.. do you use a glass canopy? What are you able to keep your temp at if not?

big fish

Hi everybody i just ordered the same lights the other day and was wanting to know if you like them except for the fan problem. These a the new 2006 model i hope that they are worth and i did not waste my money.