New open brain coral has a 'wound'


I just bought a small green open brain coral. When I got home I noticed a 'wound' and you could see one of the skeletal ridges. Upon closer inspection, I could see something moving inside the wound. It was a very tiny crab of some kind. I removed the crab with a small pair of tweezers. Could it have been feeding on the brain? The brain looks ok, but it does not seem to be puffing up like some I see in pictures. Will it survive? It does not seem to be getting worse, but it does not seem to be getting better either. I've only had it about a week.


Active Member
Yes it is a very good possibility that the crab was snacking on your brain! I had a beautiful red open brain that my emerald crab killed. I woke up one morning and he had eaten half of it! I could'nt catch the little !@#$% but I eventully got my revenge (although it wasn't intentional). When I converted my 55 into a SPS tank I pulled out some LR and set it on a plastic table to add some new rock and do some rearranging. When I was walking between the tank and the table I heard a crunch. The little @#%^& had been underneath some LR I removed from the tank and had jumped off the table and was walking around on the carpet. What comes around goes around!;) If your tank conditions are good and the Brain is healthy and there isn't too much tissue loss it may recover with no problems. It it is in bad shape contact the LFS and see what they will do for you! Good luck!
Here was my Brain before my Emerald got a hold of it


maybe this is what is happening to mine. have never seen the emralds bother a softy needless to say hard coral i never thought of. I bought the brain in bad shape for 10 bucks so not major loss and just was trying to better him. At anyrate the brain is now moved and unless the emrald has massive skills he will never make it to the brain now.