new percs


Active Member
bought two tank raised percs yesterday. Both in Q tank. One swims fine while other seems to really struggle and breaths heavier. He seems to swim hard until he reaches the top of the tank and then lets himself kind of free fall until reaching the bottom pretty exhausted. He then lies on his side for a bit.There are no outward signs of desease. Wondering what this breathing fast, swimming struggle type desease is and how to treat it? thanks,
P.S.- Just noticed that he's lieing on his side more than yesterday......but still gets up and swims around rather erratically and with struggle.


Staff member
Did the fish have this problem as soon as you put him in QT? Have you noticed any aggression between the 23 percs? Are they a mated pair? Notice any white film on the fish?


Active Member
Yes as soon as he was put in. Now that you mention agression, the fish seems to be acting "submissive" to the other perc. I would call it very slight agression. They weren't bought as a mated pair but who knows?? No white film. All clear there. Still clearly breathing faster then the other perc also.


Staff member
He could be suffering from aggression from the dominate perc. He may succomb to death from this.
What are you seeing in the way of aggression?


Active Member
Thanks beth.
He's actually eating well and his breathing is a bit better. He still lies on his side occasionally and seems to have touble swimming. If I had to guess I would say he has a bouancy(sp?) problem. Perhaps swim bladder?
There is virtually no agression being exhibited. They are swimming around the tank together w/ no signs of agression.
This is a bit perplexing??
Any additional thoughts?


Active Member
AS you know, fresh water clown loaches will lat on there side and "play dead" while they rest. Beleive it or not that is the type of behavior I'm observing w/ one of the percs. It seems to lay on it's side ocassionally then gets up and swims around again for a while. Very active when I put on the lights. While I realize that there is absolutely no relationship betweeen the 2 species, has there ever been any reporting of this type of behavior for percs? Can this be considered normal and not needing further assistance? While I think he can get away w/ this while in Q tank, he would not in display w/o being harrassed. Other then that behavior, the rest of it can certainly be chaulked up to strange swimming pattern of percs I guess.


Active Member
anyone else? He is definately sick . Currently lieing on his side breathing heavy. Dosn't look like he will make it through the night . Would like to try and save him but don't know what he has and thus no idea how to treat. Anyone?


Staff member
I put a sticky up to see if Terry will take a look at your thread.
Have you treated with antibiotics yet?


Active Member
He's currently in a 10g Q tank along with the other recently purchased perc. Should I medicate both percs even though one seems perfectly fine. I have left over beta G. from emperor angel treament and will use that also.


Active Member
I always keep my Q tank cycled in case of sickness or planned new purchase. The 10g Q tank is cycled . Thanks


Active Member
2 1/2 days into treatment with Furacyn and no improvement. Any other suggestions? I still think it's bouancy related.


New Member
i have 2 percs too and one of them did the same and died 30 min after but i got a new one, so now the one i first bought that is still alive has a seems as if it has a clear coating on his side and his fin is deterierating and will not move, also not permitting him to breath out of that gill, his side is gr4ay now and will not eat for the past 2 days, any ideas?


Active Member
Mine is not showing any of those signs. He just has trouble swimming around and lies on his side whrn resting. Sounds like yours is really sick and should take Terry's advice and follow the dosage and furacyn treatment suggested immediately.
Terry- Anything else I should do for my perc?


Active Member
Nemolvr- If you don't have enough money to have a Q tank and spend 3.99 on furacyn then you really need to evaluate whether this hobby is for you at this juncture in your life. This hobby is expensive and you really have to know what your getting yourself into before doing it. Was your purchase inspired by the recent movie? In addition I beleive your previous inquiry on this post is confusinng the issue involving my recently purchased percs which are currently in a Q tank and under Furacyn treatment. I notice you have a post up already . Please seek responses from that one so as to not to confuse the two. Thanks.
Terry- I never feed flake. Don't know where that came from. In any event he continues to lie on his side and then gets up and swims around normally. He eats fine. Should I switch form nitrof. to marycyn 2? He's showing no external sores or other signs of illness. Just contnues to lie on his side. Formalin dip also?


Staff member
I have had this same problem with percs before and tried EVERYTHING. They eventually sucombed and died. Don't know what the ans is, but you can try M2. Do a water change before trying the new antibiotic.


Active Member
Terry/Beth Jwt?anyone.
Hobbiest over on the fish board are stating that percs lying on ther side is normal behavior. I've never heard of such a thing.
When I first purchased percs a month ago, only one laid on it's side. Noticed yesterday thay are both doing it now. Started Furacyn @ 30mg a gallon for 3 days this morning. If doesn't work will go to marycyn 2 for 7 days @ first day dosage as suggested. Don't want to do this if this behavior is "normal". Please offer an opinion on this. Thanks.


Active Member
Terry- Thanks for reply.
They are actually fully horizontal, laying on their side. Not propped up by a fin or anything. The behavior goes on periodically through out the day and for long periods at a time during night time. They both eat fine. Swimming erratically at times although tough to tell w/ percs.
Furacyn was tried a while back to no avail. Will try 1 more time then switch to marycyn2. Are you ok w/ this approach?