I recently bought a miniature (1/2-3/4in) aquacultured miniature for a 10 gallon nano I was setting up. Problem came into play when I actually tested the water and the nitrates were at about 40 (I had tested the water a week before with a close to getting old test kit). Well anyways I had him in there for about 1 day and he would not stop swimming side to side darting into the glass and all.
At first he seemed okay but then I started to see him start to get a little pale in the mouth and bottom. So i pulled him out and rushed him to my 75 gallon and I put him in my sump with no pumps running for the night.
This morning he looks a lot better and is swimming around a lot more normal.
My question is where should I put him until my nano nitrates go down?
1. Put him in the 75 reef display tank ( he is currently in the sump of this tank since the water is the best quality out of all my tanks). Problem I have a Maroon(3in) and a yellow tang(3in). Maroon and Percula I think would be an issue, what do you think??
2. 20 L fish only tank with a percula clown already about 1-1.5in. I am afraid they will get attached and be pissed when I remove the mini perc once my 10 gallon nano finishes cyclying.??
3. Setup another 10 gallon with water from my 75 and throw a small filter on there for the time being???
Please help I know I am complicating things....
Also he needs to go out of my sump bc the pump to my 75 is not running and the tank only has live rock and sand and a power head right now...
At first he seemed okay but then I started to see him start to get a little pale in the mouth and bottom. So i pulled him out and rushed him to my 75 gallon and I put him in my sump with no pumps running for the night.
This morning he looks a lot better and is swimming around a lot more normal.
My question is where should I put him until my nano nitrates go down?
1. Put him in the 75 reef display tank ( he is currently in the sump of this tank since the water is the best quality out of all my tanks). Problem I have a Maroon(3in) and a yellow tang(3in). Maroon and Percula I think would be an issue, what do you think??
2. 20 L fish only tank with a percula clown already about 1-1.5in. I am afraid they will get attached and be pissed when I remove the mini perc once my 10 gallon nano finishes cyclying.??
3. Setup another 10 gallon with water from my 75 and throw a small filter on there for the time being???
Please help I know I am complicating things....
Also he needs to go out of my sump bc the pump to my 75 is not running and the tank only has live rock and sand and a power head right now...