New Pics 29G BioCube

fish addict

I have a question for you about your firefish, I would like one but I heard they get a little aggressive if you don't have more than one, but I read somewhere that if you are going to keep them in a group you have to have at least like 6 or something. I have a 29 Gal so theres not really room for six firefish if you know what I mean

So my question:
How many firefish do you have? If the two in the picture, are they a mated pair?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fish addict
I have a question for you about your firefish, I would like one but I heard they get a little aggressive if you don't have more than one,
personally I've never heard this, I have a single one in my 29g and it does fine, leaves the smaller fish alone.
nice tank


Originally Posted by fish addict
I have a question for you about your firefish, I would like one but I heard they get a little aggressive if you don't have more than one, but I read somewhere that if you are going to keep them in a group you have to have at least like 6 or something. I have a 29 Gal so theres not really room for six firefish if you know what I mean

So my question:
How many firefish do you have? If the two in the picture, are they a mated pair?
My firefish are not aggresive at all. I had two at first and one jumped into the back filter cartridge and died
and then I added the other one later. They were a little shy but now they are out all the time even when I am working on my tank.

fish addict

Originally Posted by kmauger3
My firefish are not aggresive at all. I had two at first and one jumped into the back filter cartridge and died
and then I added the other one later. They were a little shy but now they are out all the time even when I am working on my tank.
yeah I had one, and I didn't have the top on for like a day and he jumped out
I mean he jumped out on the one day I didn't have a top on!


Originally Posted by AGENT-X
nice, I hope mine turns out that good.
Ya my girlfriend got it for me for christmas. Now I spend all my money and time on the tank
and not her...only kidding.


I bought one but I have no where to put it. I have a refugium built into the middle chamber an extra power head in the third and the first I have live rock. I would like to put one in because I have to do water changes about twice a week right now. If you do not do all of what I have done there is a website that tunes nano's. I can't put a link in here, but if you type in tune nano in google you will find it. They sell a bc29 skimmer that looks great it is $150, but if that saves your tank it's worth it.