new pics from my 10 gal!!


ok, so i'm a little obsessive about my new
but what can you expect i just got everything moved in there yesterday! lol. so here's some more pics from my new tank...



the very last pic is my favorite so far! with my fishies and my shrimp, and my shrooms too! lol. i'm so obsessed with this right now! lol


Hey, your nano looks sweet. How are those clowns? Do you see any agression towards eachother. No live sand or substrate? Anyways.....sweet tank


thanks! they've only been together for like 2 days now, but they are getting along wonderfully! at first i was gonna put the black into my 5 gal, but the 10 was perfectly ready, but while the temp was acclimating the reg ocellaris (herbie) was attacking the bag like none other! shaking and running into the bag so hard i could hear it! but then they both got added to the 10 at the same time, and they immediately found each other! they nipped a little bit for the first few minutes, but since then they have been fine!
nope, no substrate! i live in a dorm so i have to move the tank quite a bit, don't wanna stir up a sand bed and cause all sorts of problems! lol


thanks! and yes, at least at my school we can have fish tanks. the only pets technically allowed on campus. although i did hear some guy has a ferret in his room :notsure: 10 gal is the max we're supposed to have, but again i've heard of someone who broke that rule with a 55 gal sw tank. he's living in one of the campus villas now.
anyway, i can't wait until i can get some corals!!! i have to be able to afford it too....


thanks! i was soo excited to see him finally at the lfs! they hadn't had any in since september! and the price went down too. lol. they had one pair in sept for $99, this time they got in moose (my friend named him lol) for $35 and a pair for $65.


if i hadn't already had herbie(the reg ocellaris) i would've been all over the pair! lol. but they contrast sooo well, and i'm happy with both of them.
i dunno where my lfs gets any of their fish? i guess i never thought to find out! oh well. they are always healthy, i've never seen a fish in the store with ich or any other type of illness. (i have seen some improperly placed clowns or damsels that get picked on though)
and i think moose (my black ocellaris) was getting picked on... he has a chunk missing out of his dorsal fin. he was in a little tank with a black cardinal which i don't think would've picked on him, and when i went to visit him on friday he had managed to get into the section beside where he originally was with another black cardinal and some sort of crab (not good with crabs...really long legs and ugly as anything lol) i saw him get too close to the crab and piss the crab off.... lol


i'll get a background on there when i move it on the 5th.... i guess maybe i just don't know how to take good pics with my camera.... i can take pics of anything else just's just the fish tank i can't get shots