new pics of 55 gal


Thanks to both of you. It's got 90# of LR and 80# of LS. For now it has Corallife lights, 2 65 w 10k and 2 65 w Actinics. I'm working on a 30 gal fuge. I hope to have it set up and running in a week or two. At the moment it has a wetdry and a closed loop SCWD wavemaker.


The two green stalk looking things are 2 shaving brushes from this site. The set is supposed to come with 5 but the 3 smaler ones didn't make it. THey're growing like weeds


So far so good. I've rushed things a little bit but my parameters have been stable since week 3, it's been up for 10 weeks. The only bump I got was when I added 3 fish, but that only lasted 1 day.


I love him but the flame is starting to get on my nerves. He's a real picky eater. He'll nibble at Mysis, but wants no part of Formulas 2, Nori sheets, Spirulina flakes, etc. I've tried soaking in garlic but no help. Now he's chasing the Diamond Goby and Firefish around, like he's claiming the whole tank for himself.


Active Member
Sorry to hear that, Occasionally you will get a dwarf like that, I would see if your lFS will trade him off... Maybe they will. for another one. Normally there really peacefull and good eaters, but some times we get a bad one, whos mad cause somebody came and took him out of his home and brought him to yours.
. BUt seriously they can be that way sometimes, ive had 2 and they were both great! (still have the 2nd one) so either give him a little time or do as i suggested . Either way Best wishes.