new pics of fish

if u notice that my clown trigger's tail is white, i wondered about it do you know why?? all the other ones i have seen have a black tail and a white tail half and half. i asked my local fish store and they said that it is rare and that they didnt know why..any suggestions
ya he was my undulated that i just sold, i visited him today. i tried to order a aust tusk fish and they said they can only get one from the indo-pacific i was mad o well. and the guy said that ro water is 3 bucks a gallon is that true?


So pretty - I wish I could get on but it wouldn't fit in my current tank. Why did you sell him? How much did you get?
Also - I get RO/DI water mixed with
salt from my lfs for only $1 per gallon.


Originally posted by dlight692000:
<STRONG>if u notice that my clown trigger's tail is white, i wondered about it do you know why?? all the other ones i have seen have a black tail and a white tail half and half. i asked my local fish store and they said that it is rare and that they didnt know why..any suggestions</STRONG>
Also - my clown's tail is white...I think it will change to black when they get older...both of ours are very small. They get to be up to 2 feet in captivity.
8 bucks....i got the puffer and didnt want the undulated to snap.
clowns dont get that big
[ April 24, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


a ham is someone who likes attention, or being on by posing for the camera shot, the fish was sort of like a "ham"


Holy crap...I get ro/di water that I just add my salt to. already dechlorinated and everything....and all for .33 cents/gallon! How? It's Culligan water...try getting it at a Wal-Mart, etc! :)


LionFish says......
Hey, those are really good pics. Nice fish, too. I hope to get a digital camera sometime soon so that I can take some pictures of my tanks. I like that Puffer, too.