new pics of my 100 reef!


Active Member
hey just sharin some pics of my 100 gallon tank... i finally made the jump to metal halide lighting.... so now i have 500 watts of 20K MH along with 200 watts of 10K PC lighting....
along with the lights i bought a chiller to keep the tank cool....
i just purchased a crocea and 2 pieces of sps corals one blue staghorn and the other a yellow hulius acropora... ill have to see how they do.... i also have a lot of other soft and LPS corals already in the tank...
hope you enjoy the pics kinda getting use to the way they turn out cuz of the MH lighting...



Active Member
thanks 4 the compliment!!!
lets see this is what i have....
100 gallon tank with stand and canopy
150lbs LR
3" substrate
2 fluvals 404
uv sterilizer
auto top off system
1/3hp chiller
700 watts lighting.... (500W 20K DE MH + 200W 10K PC)
a few powerheads
hippo tang, tomato clown, a few different damsils, mandarin dragonet, siscor tail dartfish, engineer goby, fuzzy dwarf lionfish, 24" white ribbon eel....
colt, toadstool, leather finger, zoo's (pink, red, orange, green, yellow, brown & others) mushrooms ( teal, metallic green richs, lavender hairy) green star polyps, encrusting xenia
Green brain, goniopora, frogspawn, hammer, bubble
porites rock, blue staghorn, yellow hulius acropora
Inverts and others:
xmas tree rock, feather dusters, blue/purple t crocea clam, 2 RBTA's one purple LTA, blue linkie, knobby starfish, serpent starfish, snails, hermits, and other hitchikers


Active Member
lol good eye mimzy!!!
im guna make up a set of pictures for you a "wheres fuzzy wuzzy at?" lol!!!

he loves to hang out with the colt for some reason.... today he was sticking himself between the glass and the return spray bar on the back of the tank... he also likes to sit atop powerheads for somereason.... all in all hes my baby lol

rainbow aq

Thanks for the comment on my tank Murph!! I think my tank looks pretty good for a 16 year old right?lol ive been working at a fish store for a year and learned alot and still want to learn more.....
You tank pics are stunning beautiful


Active Member
HE'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...but you knew that.
That's a great idea.... Find Fuzzy.

Oh, and I 4got to keep up with the tradition....
Fuzzy wuzzy, cammo-flaugie, cutie wootie, flirts with coral LIONFISH! :jumping:
...have you named him, by the way?
Oh, and have I ever told you that your tank is beautiful? ...and NOT just b/c it happens to be the home of the all-time cutest fuzzy wuzzy head in the whole wide world!


Active Member
thanks rainbowaq!!!
wow nice tank for being so yooooung..... :joy:
thanks its comming along
mimzy ill make a thread just 4 u to find fuzzy wuzzy!!!
keep an eye out 4 it mimzy!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mimzy
HE'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...but you knew that.
That's a great idea.... Find Fuzzy.

Oh, and I 4got to keep up with the tradition....
Fuzzy wuzzy, cammo-flaugie, cutie wootie, flirts with coral LIONFISH! :jumping:
...have you named him, by the way?
Oh, and have I ever told you that your tank is beautiful? ...and NOT just b/c it happens to be the home of the all-time cutest fuzzy wuzzy head in the whole wide world!



Active Member
well when i first got him he was really small... anyways i didnt know i had to feed him a well balanced diet with greens and vitamin enriched meaty foods.... well he got fin erosion and lateral line.... the fin erosion was cured but he still has some scarring around his head from the lateral line.... ive given hima more balanced diet now to include meaty and greens.... so hes recovered but doesnt look 100%
i think the scars wont ever go all the way away...

rainbow aq

Hey murph i love ur colti iahd one for 5 months but i went away on vacation and lost it! I was so pissed. My mom shut the A/c off lol......anyways i lost a few things and redid my whole tnak and stocked up on a few corals...i iwll be buying a nice colti once it cools down outside.....