New Pics Of My Tank Tonight....2months Old 90 Me Yours!


Well just updating pics....tonight my hubby and I moved just a few rocks around to make sure our corals were tight and secure. We also added a few polyps....and a green brain...tell me what you think! ...ok I want opinions here! I will be adding another fish next week finally you tank police, understand that I will be upgrading my tank next year.....should I get the blue tang or the naso tang...give me reasons for both or to not get one! thanks for your help all!


new polyps....not all open yet, JUST got done moving them into the just starting to open....they are very pretty!!


Active Member
tank looks good....
i have a blue tang hes doing good... he has probably doubled in size or more since i got him like 4 months ago.... hes also good at picking at some of the algae that grows in my tank....
i think u can see him in the center of the picture


wow, he is gorgeous...does he seem hardy? I purchased a naso today and wondering if I should have gotten the blue tang instead.....they were same price....


Active Member
they are pretty hard i have a uv filter on my tank the only thing i noticed was he started to get lateral line erosion where they lose the color on their face and down the black mark.... i didnt realize i needed to feed him some formula 1 and 2 to give them there needed algae intake to keep there nutrients up for healthy growth...
i like him alot good fish
heres another pic


Active Member
BTW hes gotten better after supplementing his diet with the algae for the last 3 months
thats the only bad thing i hear about blue tangs is lateral line erosion


awesome deal...that is so cheap!! I am still going back and forth on if I should have bought that naso today. they are holding him for me this week....until next weekend since I just put a couple of corals in....but they do have a blue tang, would probably let me swap if I called tomorrow right away...


Active Member
they are both nice fishes but i like the blue tang a lil better ;-) but if u can get both do that lol..... i just like the look of them i think every reef tank could use one
hes a very peaceful fish just eats alot :D


Active Member
he spends most of his time swimming.... if i approach the tank fast he will hide behind a rock and at night he wedges himself in the rocks but otherwise he swims around most of the day...
do you have one excile?>


Get the Naso ,They are much hardier and have more personality than the pretty but very shy and very ich prone hippo tangs


thank you, we have been working hard on it.... I just bought a naso tang, worried now I didn't make a good choice. We know we will be upgrading our tank next year much larger, but just worried about him. he is not even here yet, we left him for the week at the lfs so they could quarantine him for us.