New Pics Of My Tank


The anemone has been in the tank since July, I didnt think it would make it since I dont have MH lighting but its been doing great, I am probably going to get another one maybe a green one I think they look pretty cool
Yeah i am aware that it will outgrow my tank but it will be fine for at least 2 years or so, after it gets to big I will give it away or maybe I will have my dream tank by then and will be able to keep him


Thanks Guys for the compliments,
I got my leopard from Absolutley Fish here in Clifton NJ, I went there yesterday and they are sold out for the season thats what someone told me when I asked so you might be out of luck, they usually have like 5 in stock at all times


what lighting are you using? and equipment? and water conditions? Just wondering to see if I could put an condi in too.


Thanks You guys just reminded me to test my water conditions and here they are
Nitrite 0 ppm
Nitrate 0 ppm
PH 8.4
Amonia 0-0.25 ppm more towards the 0ppm
and Salt level is at 1023-24
I am using 2 10,000k daylight from coralife and 2 blue 10,000 acentics from coralife
no special lighting just the basic 35 watt hoods i think
and as for feeding I feed the tang and the trigger daily frozen brine thawed in water wait for it to desolve and then just empty out the cup, and the shark and Eel I feed every 2 to 3 days frozen krills again thawed in warm water till disolved and I just empty the cup in when I feed the shark and Eel the trigger also eats krill he eats anything even my rock and sand....but so far everyone is getting along
PS I just want to thank all you guys that have helped me since I started in this forum as in the begining I didnt know sh*t about this hobby and just jumped into it and listened to the "SALESMAN" at petland discounts GRRR!!! just out to make a buck and I lost alot of fish and $$$$$$ untill I started doing this on my own and asking lots of questions here and reading lots on the WEB thanks again and thanks for the compliments on my Tank
as for filtration I have a Wet/Dry that I brought custom made huge thing I dont now how many gallons , I brought it from "The Acrylicman"and for the return I have a fluval 404 filtering that water and then it goes into my tank, I am NOT using a protein skimmer..and Ihave 2 powerhead circulating the water in the tank
Nice tank, I'm hoping I could get one just like that ive seen around thats used but dont have the $$$ right now. Are you planning on getting anything else?