new pics of the 90


Active Member
90 gallon with about 200 lbs or rock, lighting is 2x400w 20k mh, 2x96w pc and 2x65w antinic pc, wet/dry with bio balls, and skimmer
purple tang
flame angel
kole tang
lawnmower blenny
3 blue chromis
3-female squareback anthias...hope one will change to a male
bar gobie
engineer gobie
tri color wrasse
another wrasse not sure
cleaner wrasse
2-nemo clowns
cleamer shrimp
coral banded shrimp
8 or so emerald crabs
4 peppermint shrimp
brittle star
over 100 blue legged and scarlet crabs
oops forgot the yellow clown gobie
way to many fish but it works for me...


Larry could you post some pics of your plumbing and how you did your closed loop? Your tank is AWESOME and I wanna learn from the best! lol...I will be doing this in about a year and I wanna prepare...


Active Member
todd sorry about you vikings...culpepper is my fantasy qb.....but i'mn hanging on to him...i have faith, at least in him


Active Member
yes it is i have about 4 of them, that i need to take care of...all the littleones get eat'n by the peppermint shrimp


Originally Posted by larrynews
devil dog not using closed loop i hve 4 powerheads plus the return, i probaly should have though..
what types of PH's are u using? Sorry about all the questions-I am setting up a 90 soon, and I want mine to be like yours!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by larrynews
yes it is i have about 4 of them, that i need to take care of...all the littleones get eat'n by the peppermint shrimp
Cool, thought it was, I had a pretty huge one that looked just like the one in that picture... My peppermint would eat all the small ones but never touched the big one. I kept it for awhile but I eventually got rid of it.. Was afraid it would just keep spreading if I let it go...


Originally Posted by larrynews
todd sorry about you vikings...culpepper is my fantasy qb.....but i'mn hanging on to him...i have faith, at least in him
To bad he is pry done for the season now =(


ugh... i'm not talking to anyone from Ohio today!!
nice tank
(glances over at my 30 and sighs).... need.. bigger.. tank..