New Pics! Updated Tank- SusiesTank


Hey everyone! I got some new pics! It has been a long time since I posted some. Since the last time I posted I moved about an a hour away so I had to take it apart and move and re-seup. I only lost like 2 inverts in the move , not too bad. My 20 gallon tank currently has:
Ocelleris Clown
Royal Gramma
Condy Anenome
Peppermint Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
3 Trochus Snails
10 Asterea Snails
2 Nerite Snails
1 Cerith Snails
2 Bubble Bee Snails
5 Nassy Snai ( 2 are babies)
10-20 Red/Blue Hermits
25-30 Lbs of LR
Forgot how much sand
AquaMedic OceanLight 150W MH
Aqua C Remora Skimmer/ MaxiJet 1200
2 PH's , Heater Etc.

Leave some comments! Thanks for looking!


Originally Posted by cZoNe13
hey nice tank does ur clown host in ur condy anenome????
He swims in and out of it constantly , but usually doesnt just sit in it. He probably would if it was bigger. He loves the anenome!


Active Member
id suggest getting another clown. i have a pair of ocellaris and theyre always hangin out together. and if you can they love ritteri's but i doubt you have the lighting for them


Originally Posted by fishieness
i didnt know anything would host a condy
Well my clown hosts anything... featherdusters , hair algae patch etc.


New Member
Originally Posted by SusiesTank
Well my clown hosts anything... featherdusters , hair algae patch etc.
That he does, he is a silly little fishy. Our tank has definately came a long way since the days of plastic corals lol. can't wait to keep advancing everything and the best part is getting to share such an awesome hobby with such an awesome girl
I love you. We need some Pulsing Zena's! Is that how you spell it?? lol.


Originally Posted by NanoMan94
That he does, he is a silly little fishy. Our tank has definately came a long way since the days of plastic corals lol. can't wait to keep advancing everything and the best part is getting to share such an awesome hobby with such an awesome girl
I love you. We need some Pulsing Zena's! Is that how you spell it?? lol.
Silly muffin its Xenia's. Thanks for getting me this tank last christmas! Its been a lot of money and work but I love it and you. The tank also made the trek around the baltimore beltway!