new pics...

nm reef

Active Member
...I've been playin' around with my Canon G5 again and got a few decent pics to share. First is a look at some new zooanthids. The green fringed/red centered were added just last night...and the baby blue tinged in the background were added a few weeks ago. Both have provided some real nice color diversity to my growing zooanthid collection.

nm reef

Active Member
Thanks for the compliment joker_ca...but I'm learning its more the photographer than the camera...and I'm still learning! I do like the quality of the pictures I've started to get...but I feel I have a long way to go to produce the quality shots I see many others produce...but thanks...I appreciate the compliment.
One of my goals is to reproduce photographs that represent what my eye sees when I look at specimans in my display. This is my 6" derasa and the color here is very close to the same I see in the display...right down to the faint blue fringe.

nm reef

Active Member
bigarn...the baby blues have just started to reproduce...when I got them they were a pale pinkish/white...sort of bleached...I suspected they'd color up nicely...and have I been surprised!!! maybe in a few months I'll consider fraggin' them. But most of the time my frags go to local hobbyists...a couple of LFS I trust...or into tanks I do maintenance on. But I'll consider shipping...maybe.They are sweet though huh!!
Here is another of my clams...not as good of a pic as the derasa but it is close to a true color representation.


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
bigarn...the baby blues have just started to reproduce...when I got them they were a pale pinkish/white...sort of bleached...I suspected they'd color up nicely...and have I been surprised!!! maybe in a few months I'll consider fraggin' them. But most of the time my frags go to local hobbyists...a couple of LFS I trust...or into tanks I do maintenance on. But I'll consider shipping...maybe.They are sweet though huh!!
Here is another of my clams...not as good of a pic as the derasa but it is close to a true color representation.

They are sweet though huh!!

nm reef

Active Member
This is the best reproduction I've ever been able to get of my red shroom...the color here is nearly identical to what I see with my eye.The detail is decent....but the color is about dead on...

nm reef

Active Member
Speakin' of frags...this is a smallish frag from my frogspawn...the third time I've fragged the main colony. This one and a couple others will soon be in a clients tank for $15 each. Nice to be able to cover some of the expense of maintaining my reef...:yes:

nm reef

Active Member
I also like to try and capture group shots....this one has my flame...foxface...hippo...and the unicorn (which will soon be re-located to a clients 280). I like the effect of reproducing a glimpse of what I see looking in my display. The hobby of reefkeeping is consuming...but so is photography of marine systems...they go hand in hand in my opinion.


Active Member
Absolutely beautiful.... And I'm not saying this because I REALLY want some of those baby blues. :thinking:
Keep the pics. comeing NM! :D

nm reef

Active Member
Another close look at some of my zoos...these are red centered(sort of darkish red) with a fine pale green fringe...I saw them advertised on a retailers site as "dragon eyes" but I don't go for fancy names myself...just red zoos to me...they grow in a very tightly packed colony and have spread to several locations. A local hobbyists is patiently waiting for a small colony and I may sell some frags to a couple local clients.

nm reef

Active Member
Here is a updated on the montipora peltiformis I recently got from brooklyn johnny...its has settled in and appears to be doing far. All of the frags he sent have done well...hopefully I'll be able to keep them healthy and eventually have mature colonies for possible trade later.

nm reef

Active Member
This is a coral I've had for well over a year now...can't remember exactly when I got it...but its was recently fragged for the first time ... I wound up keeping 5 large heads for myself on the main structure and got 3 frags off of it each with 2-5 heads....all are healthy and adjusting real well. I liked how this picture of the main colony turned out. This is from before I fragged it.

nm reef

Active Member
Another of my growing collection of zooanthids....these have a faint orange center and a dark red/maroon fringe. They look real sweet under actinics only....and someday will be another frag canidate.