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Active Member
for the lights i have regular lights that you would use in a lamp but the long type of course...
any suggetions and links to where to but some glow lights, please help with the type that would be good for a FOWLR
as for the setup i have had it going for about a year now but the first 8 months i didnt do anything to the tank and my lfs said i was lucky not to kill anything.. i did no testing no water change and it stayed fine... but latley i have been more responsible with it
i would greatly appreciate input on the lights.thanks


If your just going to use it for a FOWLR you should get a 10,000K Daylight bulb. You can find one thatll probably fit in your current light fixture. But if you wanted an even better light set-up go for a fixture that can hold two light strips and get the 10000K bulb along with a Actinic Blue bulb so you can simulate Dawn, Noon, and Dusk. hope it helps.