new pics


Active Member
wow, awesome! Post more pics when it opens more and has been in your tank a little longer. I will be anxious to see them.


Active Member
that 1 clown doesnt even look like a gsm look how skinny the lines are and there pure white. just letting u now.
but i love em ne ways


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
that 1 clown doesnt even look like a gsm look how skinny the lines are and there pure white. just letting u now.
but i love em ne ways

he said my mated GM and they took the anemonie so fast !


the ritteri is doing great, im always weary about having an anenome in my tank, always keeping an eye on it so it doesn't get close to a powerhead, but hopfully the guards i have on the powerheads work as advertised LOL


i have two maroons, one is a gold stripe, and her mate is a normal maroon, and one clarkii clown, i gave the true perc to my dad for his nano reef

rabid frog

Active Member
Nice!! I have two gb maroons that I want to get a ritteri...
The name of the ritteri's has been changed to Heteractis magnifica. Just a litte trivia info.