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SWEEEEEET !!!!!!!!!!!!! Tank. Do you mind if I ask what kind of lighting system you have? Thanks for the pics.


Active Member
it is a 180 all glass with odyssea 785 watt MH/pc .
thanks for the compliments. It has only been up for about 6weeks since the change over from a 72 gal bow.


Active Member
thanks whitey(blushing) but i have seen some awfully nice tanks on here and mine still has a ways to go....but i appreciate the compliment :joy:


Active Member
i dont want ot be the skeptical but how did u manage keeping the yellow and sailfin together? i thot they would kill each other? also a naso and a pacific blue tang? correct me if im wrong but rnt the sailfin an yellow zebramosas? and the naso and blue hippos? other wise really cool tank ill give u a dollar, a soggy graham cracker and some tiny bits of string for it.


Active Member
i asked several times on advice for the tangs and was told by numerous peeps that those tangs would all be ok together. I nope it works out ok cause I just ordered 2 more yelows off of this site. I heard that it was best to keep them in groups of three or more. I am new to the tang world so I took all the advise that I could get. That's the main reson I got a bigger tank so I could keep tanks. I had a 72 gallon b4. thanks for the input, I hva ebeen keeping a real close eye on evryone and they all see to get along great so far.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
i asked several times on advice for the tangs and was told by numerous peeps that those tangs would all be ok together. I nope it works out ok cause I just ordered 2 more yelows off of this site. I heard that it was best to keep them in groups of three or more. I am new to the tang world so I took all the advise that I could get. That's the main reson I got a bigger tank so I could keep tanks. I had a 72 gallon b4. thanks for the input, I hva ebeen keeping a real close eye on evryone and they all see to get along great so far.

Very nice looking tank
I would think that you have plenty of room for multiple tangs. I have 14 in a 470 and they get along fine. 5 are yellows and my only concern is not adding them all at once. With the room and the rockwork they can hide in, I think you should be fine. GOOD LUCK and keep up the nice work.


Great pics! I'm new to Saltwater Aquariums and I've been looking at some reef tank pics and yours is the best I've seen so far! It's amazing! :happyfish


Active Member
why thank you very much jleithiser

it is nice to hear compliments after working hard on something and watching it come to life. :cheer:
got some new stuff coming this week.(fishes and corals) and a new camera.. I will take some more pics then....thanks all :jumping: