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My tank is the same exact size. Did you have any problems with the Angels fighting? I currently have 2 angels i want to add another one but im scared they will fight.
What ive done to help with fighting is to put 2 in at once. Its helped distract big Mama Queen from going crazy
Honestly, the only trouble I had was introducing the French to my established Queen. The French went in with "non" angel fish but the Queen really went after the French! I keept the lights off for 3 days and by then things had calmed down. the Emperor and the Blue face were introduced at the same time. Whats wild is that the Queen didnt even give them the time of day but Mr.French wanted some pay back. lol. Actually the Frenchs agression was mild compared to what the Queen put him through. I always leave my lights off for at least a couple of days after introducing new tank mates. IMO it really helps lower stress levels.