New Pictures are up!!


Active Member
I just got my new digital camera and I put up some new and improved pics. Let me know what you think! :)


Active Member
I think every picture should load now...I'm still working on the HTML coding so that's why they might not all work all the time...usually in about 5- 10 seconds of them not working for u it will be up... Funny that you mentioned that Kris...I am figuring out how to make thumbnails now.. I took my HTML coding class 2 years ago so I'm a little rusty... I should have the pics as thumbnails in about 20 mins...then I gotta go to class :(


Active Member
I just redid the site with thumbnails so that any one with a slower connection can still view them and it won't have to take 2 years! Let me know what ya think!! :)

kris walker

Active Member
Hi Eric,
Lookin good. What kind lights do you have?
Pics 1,2,3,7,9,10 didn't work for me (didn't show nor did links work).


Active Member
the pics should work now( I might have been doing some more coding to them at that time)...if not i'll be changing the names of them, which should enable people with older browsers to see all the pics...some older browsers might not load the pics because of spaces...any newer browser should be fine though.
I have 2 96 watt actinic (sp) and one day light.


The pics are not actually thumbnails, even thought you make the display size smaller, the actual pictures are still the same size, and take just as long to download/display. Some pics are still not showing up.


Active Member
ok I took care of the spaces for people with netscape or older versions of IE...that shouldn't be a probelm..I do agree, I need to make the file size smaller for the pics though. I'll be doing this later on. At SU everyone here is either on a cable modem (if ur off campus, like me) or on an OC12 if ur on campus...file size like this doesn't make much of a difference (only a few seconds) I forgot about the rest of the world! Thanks for letting me know guys...Even though I'm an IT major, I've only taken 1 HTML coding course, and that was 2 years ago! Anyways, any more HTML coding suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


Thanks for the photos! Very nice aquascape, and the maroon clown is gorgeous. What are the totally cool giant barnacle things? And what kind of rock is this? What are the large green balls near the bubble tip?


Hi, I took the liberty of adapting your first of the new photos for easier downloading. I hope you don't mind, but the file sizes are gigantic! Take a look at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I sized it for 800 by 600 resolution as suggested by IJJI. Hope this helps.
Now most people will be able to view your wonderful pics.


Duhh, forgot... Right-click both the JPEGs if you want, and save them if you want to use them as-is, re-sized and ready to go.
Also, if you don't like me messing with your stuff, that's OK, just be gentle with me...


Active Member
AJ, Please, go ahead. I VERY much appreciate it! My parents can't even see my tank cause they have a dial up connection and don't want to wait so long to look at the pics!!! :(


Active Member
Originally posted by BlackDog:
<strong>Thanks for the photos! Very nice aquascape, and the maroon clown is gorgeous. What are the totally cool giant barnacle things? And what kind of rock is this? What are the large green balls near the bubble tip?</strong><hr></blockquote>
The tottaly cool giant barnacle things are giant baranacle things :) They're from *****, sold in saran wrap on the shelf. ( I bought them before I decided to go reef) It's mostly fiji rock. can't see my bubble tip anemone! :) I'm gonna assume you mean my bubble coral. In that case the large green balls are bubble algae. I have an emerald crab somewhere in their but some of those bubbles, like that one are twice the size of him! Thanks for looking!! :)


The tank looks good! It does take a while to load the pictures still!

kris walker

Active Member
Nice tank Eric. I love large toadstools like that. Although you might disagree, I think scrubbing the coralline algae off the front panel would make the display look better.


Active Member
hey AJ... if u don't mind resizing the other pics that would be much appreciated...i only know how to do it in photoshop but i don't have that anymore...if u wanna just send them to me my email is Thanks so much.


Eric: I'd be happy to help you out (Canadians are so helpful). I'll pull the rest off your site as soon as I can, and change 'em for you. Then I'll mail them back to you, and you can load 'em up.
FOR ANYONE WHO LACKS WEB SPACE, but would like to post their reef pics: I would offer you a named directory at similar to Eric's sample listed up this page. E-me!
AJ e-mail:


Active Member
Thanks a million Canadians are the best, eh? :) By the girlfriend and I were pulling for ur pair skating the other night...Sale is very hot! :) So not only are you canadians helpful, you've got some good looking girls that can figure skate!! Anyways, Thanks again AJ :)