New Pictures!


We finally were able to post some pictures of our tank! These are from last weekend but not much has changed since then... Our tank is a 34g Red Sea Max 130. We've got about 35lbs of LR and just our cleaning crew right now. Our LFS sold us the corals (frog spawn and torch) at the same time but we're thinking that perhaps it was a bit early for them as we just had our algae outbreak. They seem to be thriving at the moment though.



Hubby and I decided pump up our cleaning crew this weekend. The sand was looking more like a wheat field. Got two more turbos and three more hermits. The poor guys acted like they were starving. The minute we put them in there they were shoveling the green bits in! It was really fun to watch.
We're a little worried about our xenia though, since adding the new guys they seem to be a lot less "bushy" ... Crossing my fingers that they fill out again.
Really excited for this coming weekend (Is it really only Tuesday!?!
), we're getting our first fish! We're going to get a pair of clowns and a hammer coral or a leather polyp... Whatever strikes our fancy!
Tank has been up for almost four weeks, nothing has died yet! Woo Hoo!! ^knocksonwood^


May I ask what camera you have, because those pictures looks sweeet! I try to use/focus mine, but it's always blurry.
Awesome tank and frogspawn!!!


Originally Posted by D-Dzel
May I ask what camera you have, because those pictures looks sweeet! I try to use/focus mine, but it's always blurry.
Awesome tank and frogspawn!!!

I use a Canon 50D camera with the standard lens. I also use manual focus which makes it easier to decide what's in focus or not. It's a fantastic camera.
We love our frog spawn! That was the one we immediately decided we had to get. :eek:)


Sooo.... I got home from work today and went immediately to our tank to admire it for a few minutes and the glass is covered it teeny, tiny white things. I tried to take pics of them but my macro just isn't strong enough. I thought it was "dust" or something but I can see them walking around the glass and I think I can see little antennae....
I have no bloody clue what these things are - good, bad, indifferent... Any help would be much appreciated!!!


Probably copepods, as long as they are moving around and swim kinda shrimp like, then thats what they prolly are


So soon??? I thought those take months to form our tank has only been up about four weeks...
I think they're swimming, it's hard to tell, the ones I'm able to see walking are all over the glass...


Active Member
And they are wonderous critters. Eat up detritus and end up being free fish food, and are a good indicator of your tank maturing.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by The_Hadleys
So soon??? I thought those take months to form our tank has only been up about four weeks...
I think they're swimming, it's hard to tell, the ones I'm able to see walking are all over the glass...
they come in on the rock you buy. I had some after a few weeks as well. My fish ate them all but they were there.


These are the best I could get. Sorry they're not the sharpest... In the one you can see the comparison to Maurice - cleaner shrimp - in the background... Are they really copepods?!?



Do you call your shrimp Maurice because he can speak of the pompatice of love? (Sorry, I can't tell if they're pods, or what?) Did you upgrade to a 50d? I still use my 20d, and can't decide what body to get next, 40 or 50?


I upgraded from a Canon Powershot to my 50D... hehe... My mom got the 40D which she upgraded from the 20D. We both are partial to our own, but both are great cameras.
Too bad you don't know what our little white guys are... Don't look like copepods to you? Hmm....


Well, if they're moving on there own, they're pods. Don't worry about them, they won't last long after your add those clowns!