We finally were able to post some pictures of our tank! These are from last weekend but not much has changed since then... Our tank is a 34g Red Sea Max 130. We've got about 35lbs of LR and just our cleaning crew right now. Our LFS sold us the corals (frog spawn and torch) at the same time but we're thinking that perhaps it was a bit early for them as we just had our algae outbreak. They seem to be thriving at the moment though.
We finally were able to post some pictures of our tank! These are from last weekend but not much has changed since then... Our tank is a 34g Red Sea Max 130. We've got about 35lbs of LR and just our cleaning crew right now. Our LFS sold us the corals (frog spawn and torch) at the same time but we're thinking that perhaps it was a bit early for them as we just had our algae outbreak. They seem to be thriving at the moment though.