NEW Pink tail trigger


I was at my LFS this weekend and they had a awsome pink tail trigger. I had to get it. I been keeping my eye on this fish for several weeks in their tank. Placed him in my 90 gallon tank. Looking for a friend for him any sugestions.


Pink tails are one of the more peacful triggers. You have the option to put them with any type of fish u want. There a good peacful fish to keep in a community tank with mild tempered fish, such as tangs,butterflys,so on. they can also be kept with more aggresive fish such as other lions, pufffers,wrasses,other triggers. The reason for this is that they are peacful fish but have the ability to defend themselves.


They are extremely peaceful. In fact, a buddy of mine put one in his reef tank and it never disturbed any corals or rock...That's amazing for a trigger.
As for mates, I would like to see a tusk, a snowflake eel, or a golden puffer. They would all make good additions to the trigger as well.


I currently have a pinktail and a SFE together. They get along fine. Also in the tank i have a Niger trigger, A stars and stripes and a small panther grouper....everyone gets along very well.