Originally Posted by
Then why bother to wear a seatbelt. Chances are you may never get in an accident and will never need it. You should go out to your car and remove all the seatbelts.
I'd rather have a gun on or near me and hope that I never have to use it, rather than not have one and watch something possible horrible happen to someone I care for.
as far as the children thing. If you teach them what guns are and what they can do if not treated with respect then you shouldn't have to worry. I was raised with loaded guns in the house and I knew better than to go pick one up and point it at someone or myself.
In this country our second amendment rights are about to/are comming under fire. I think this kind of comment is exactly the uneducated (In gun saftey and protection) kind of comment that may lose us this right. If you don't think guns for home and personal protection are reasonable, then take a look at DC and Their gun laws versus crime rate and one with vary lax gun laws.
I don't mean to be rude or a jerk but just because you don't see the point doesn't mean it's not needed. I don't understand Astrophysics, but that doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to others.
I've never heard of seat belts going off and harming innocent people... Also, seatbelts have saved countless lives throughout this country and are, to my knowledge, never used for violent purposes. BANK HELD UP BY A MAN USING A SEATBELT, NEWS AT 11...this is really a bad analogy for you to use. Perhaps you should have used airbags instead?
When I was a kid I too had guns in my house. I LOVED them!!! I used to stare at them all the time when my parents weren't home and I like many young men dreamed of shooting them. There also were never any bullets around, that I knew of. And yes yes yes, I knew of gun safety etc etc etc... A point here...I have antiques that I have asked my daughter not to touch in my home...she still does it. I have asked her not to pick her nose, she does it. I have asked her to pick up her room, she doesn't do it. Funny how kids don't listen so well? See my point?
Uneducated? I'm not only educated but pretty intelligent and realistic... Who says I'm against the 2nd amendment? HUH???? I love guns! Sheesh...don't attack someone and call names who simply asks a question. Perhaps we should speak of Freedom of Speech and thought? That mgith be appropriate. All I was asking is WHY do people see the need to carry/conceal? Can't someone have a different point of view? After all I just asked why. To be called uneducated is a bit much I think.
Your post was a bit rude and you did come off as a jerk, just don't go and shoot me for my question! LOL. This is why I hardly ever post on here anymore.
I LOVE my gun and I have a few in my house right now, safely put away and unloaded. They are no more than expensive paperweights at this moment. I was, again, simply asking a question...
"My car can go faster than 65pmh.
No argument here about why, or when, but If times comes to use it then its nice to have. Even if statistics say I never will NEED to go faster than that."
Ha, ok...I would not drive a car at a reckless speed either. I'm sure someone will argue that point too. THAT BTW was a polite respose to my QUESTION. Thank you! ;o)