New pix of some new Coral!


Active Member
The first two pics are of our new frogspawn that has 6 heads,third is the new green and orange zoos, and last ones are some pink zoos. Sorry for the HORRIBLE pictures, the camera is really bad!



yes that is a really nice frog spawn i was wondering why my frogspawn isnt quite opening all the way i got it about a week ago and it looked beautiful in the store and then i put it in my tank and looked fine then after a day or so 1 of the heads died and it started to put out slime and it only opens up about an 1/8th of an inch it has 5 heads any ideas would be great thankyou.


Active Member
when i bought it, it was beautiful and fully open. the lfs has another and all the heads have died off except 2. try moving it, they like medium flow but not alot. have noticed they wont fully open all the way w/ a ton of current. i have it in a 125 w/ 3x150w mh, 4x96w pc. the placing is about half way up under one of the halides w/ low to med flow. also suppliment the tank w/ phytoplex and microvert. if it doesnt open up all the way, there very well may be something wrong.
what kind of lights do you have and wattage?
what kind of flow is it in?
tank parameters(cal, alk, ph?)
do you feed it?


my wat is 250 nice light medium flow i do not directly feed it and i just bought selcon its supposed to be really good i really had no idea why it is like this i really dont want it to die.