New Powder Blue


Active Member
Well, for the last fish in the 135 we went with a powder blue tang. It's about 4 inches. Watched it at the lfs for a couple weeks, bought it and it just came out of a week of q and into the main tank today. So far, so good, no signs of illness or stress. I researched and know the feeding, ich tendancies, compatability (although the research is mixed on that one) etc. Hopefully, I've provided a good home as this is one of the most beautiful fish I've seen. I'd like to hear of others experiences with this fish...


awesome fish wrassecal :cool:
tangs are great fish. i'm going to be putting my achilles in my 125gal tommorrow after 3mos in QT:(
good luck with the new addition

nm reef

Active Member
Beautiful fish....always been one of my favorites. I wish you all the best with it...keep us posted on its condition. Sounds to me like you did your homework prior to attempting one.:cool:


Active Member
Yeah, I'm probably going to fret for a while during it's settling in time. Most everything I've read mentions something to the effect of " stresses easily until settled in, then a pretty hardy fish"


Active Member
Grrrreat choice Wrasse. Ive been wanting one, but I am pretty sure their shape is too close to a Yellow Tang for me to get a Powder Blue. They would probably do a good bit of fighting. :( I agree with you, some of the most beautiful fish. Congrats. :cool:


Active Member
I have it in with a yellow tang. Yesterday the yellow was a little aggresive which I expected. Was ready to pull the yellow and q it for a few days if necessary. Today we totally redid the rock work, took away the yellow's territory and so far they are doing very well together. We are so into this that we pulled a desk chair up to the tank and someone has been watching constantly yesterday and since lights on today. Crossing my fingers that they keep up the "good neighbor" behaviour. :)


Active Member
Man, I love this fish! The yellow and the powder blue are hanging out together now and swimming together