new problem in already ill tank... help!


I think I am on the verge of losing my tank! I have a 75 gal setup that right now has *only* a chromis and a clownfish (no inverts either). This is because an ich outbreak killed 2 other fish that were in there. The tank has been running now for several months with no real problems except for this recent trouble. The tank is being treated right now for ich-- I am slowly lowering the salinity. Right now it is down to 1.013 (over a few days) and I intend to lower it further this afternoon. All water quality tests are okay, except nitrate is raised a little. pH, nitrite, and ammonia are fine. I am also using garlic xtreme when I feed.
Right now, the problem is with the clownfish. He has started (yesterday) twitching, hanging out only on the bottom, and kind of scratching sometimes against the substrate or rocks. Occasionally he hangs out at the top, not darting about, just swimming in place close to the powerhead. He will eat, but not like he used to -- he used to attack the prime reef, but now he isn't as interested. I am seeing a little bit of whitish spots on him, but *not* the same type that I see with ich. They look more like... I don't know, a chunkier slimy stuff than the salt particles that ich looks like. His fins also are getting a little bit ragged.
Any ideas?? Suggestions?? I don't want to kill any more fish!!
Thanks all


Staff member
How long have you had these fish?
I am assuming that you are treating them in your tank which is a fish only tank, correct?? Meaning no LR?
It may be that the fish is developing a secondary infection to ich...a common problem because of wounds created by the parasites.
Do you have a QT? You may have to treat this fish with antibiotics.
What foods are you offering?


I have had the chromis for several months, the clownfish for about 1 month. I am offering prime reef and marine flakes. This is indeed fish only -- my snails are all in another tank, and there is no live rock. Just these 2 fish.
How do I know if I should use antibiotics? And if so, is it possible to treat them both (since there are only 2 in there anyway) to head off the infection in the chromis? What kind should I use?
Thanks for the help!


Staff member
Do you want to put antibiotics in your tank??? Antibiotics will have a significant effect on your biofilter and the quality of your tank.
You should improve that fish diet some, and offer many more varied food than what you have there.
If you decide to treat with antibiotics, you can use Maracyn Two for SW fish.