New Project?


Active Member
As some of you know I am coming to the close of my 125 gallon reef tank, meaning I'm pretty much done stocking and adding to it. So, what to do with my QT............Well, I can't think of it just sitting in my garage going to waste, so I thought of starting a new project - a Nano Reef in my office.
But first I have a few question?
My QT is a 12 gallon nano cube (but truefully I think it only holds 10 gallons). I was using the sponge, ceramic rings, and bio balls that came with it and not much else, bare bottom and all. Well, now that I want to convert it to an actual little reef tank I'm thinking I need to ditch the bio balls and ceramic rings and replace it with live rock rubble. Is this correct? What about the sponge, do you all still have a sponge in your filter areas? My tank has four chambers and going from left to right this is what they are: return pump/bio-balls and ceramic rings/polyfilter sponge/larger black sponge which is where the water intake is. How would you reset this filter area?
I want to add ls, lr, a black and white clown and some small goby. I would like this tank to be a mini-zoa garden with not much else (maybe a few rics). I want to keep this tank simple and easy. Of course with finishing my recent 1 year project this should be a piece of cake, right?


Active Member
I would lose the bio-balls and ceramic and replace it with LR rubble. Then put a little polyester filter floss in the inlet side of the chamber that you can replace every few days. Seems to work out pretty good like that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joncat24
I would lose the bio-balls and ceramic and replace it with LR rubble. Then put a little polyester filter floss in the inlet side of the chamber that you can replace every few days. Seems to work out pretty good like that.

So get rid of the black larger sponge and just have rubble in two chambers with the polyfilter in the first chamber (inlet side)?


Active Member
Thanks for your input. I might have to wait until after the holidays to put it all together (you know, presents to buy and little money). Of course I could ask for live rock and sand for Christmas!


Active Member
Hey az!,
I love your 125 and can't wait to see pics of a mini zoa garden!
In my twelve:
1.) Filter Floss
2.) Live Rock Rubble
3.) Pump/heater
(chambers from left > right)