New project


Well yesterday I went shopping and came home with a 120g tank:D . Got it home around 5:30 pm and was determined to get the stand built too last night. So I went shopping for the wood . Luckly I had my good friends elitsoH and Slothy coming over to give me a hand with it. Anyways rough finished the stand last night around 10. Cost me a whopping $20 in materials for roughing it. Finished product will be a tiled stand which shouldn't cost much either.
Now do I do a fowlr or transfer my reef over to it?:confused:
btw, yes that room is small. Now it's my pc and tank room. All a guy needs:) well that and sports.:D


Congrats on the tank, man... sounds like what I plan to do with the spare bedroom of WHATEVER home I end up eventually buying... Tank, PC, and weight bench room.
BTW, I'd do I FOWLR tank if I were you - doesn't look like you have a lot of room to work around the tank. I have my reef tank "caddy cornered" in what is supposed to be the dining room of my apartment - but i pulled the tank two feet away from the walls on one side so that I can peek behind the background and have EASY access to all my equipment.


You might want to think about moving the tank to another area. It's been my experience that access to the back of the tank is a must. It looks like your very limited.


Active Member
ive had a bad expieriene with haveing a tnak next to a window.. i had algae and cyno real bad and i couldnt get it off


Active Member
wow nice tank i would do a reef but i love reefs . i belive that if your doing a salt tank mine as well do the best possible stuff. imo
but some would go the other way and do the best possible fish. could go either way with this crowd


LOL, those darn trips to the saltwater stores... You just HAVE to buy stuff! Congra'ts on the new tank!


Active Member

Originally posted by Bonermeister
Not to mention being right beside a window.
Sunlight = bad

That's what the blinds are on the window for - to block light (reason most people put them up). You might wanna try them one day they work great !!! :rolleyes:



Originally posted by slothy
That's what the blinds are on the window for - to block light (reason most people put them up). You might wanna try them one day they work great !!! :rolleyes:

Yeah but how are neighbors going to see the tank duh.:rolleyes::p


Heres an update as of tonight. Everything is doing great. Heres a blurry shot with the blues on and a reflection of the PC screen.:rolleyes: . Im using as of now both a 192watt JBJ PC and a coral life 192watt PC system. Hense the weird lighting system. Will work for meanwhile until I can get some vhos.