New Puffer doesnt want to eat...


My wife brought me home a new friend the other day. A Porcupine puffer. I have placed him in my 75gal thats been up and running for about 6 weeks with only a few damsels. Theres about 40 lbs of lr and 100 lbs of CC in the tank a sea clone 100 PS and 2 rio 400's. The problem is this little guy doesnt want to eat anything. I've offered brine both frozen and live, shrimp pieces and even some flake still nothing. Anyone have any suggestions???


This is my first experance with a puffer and just dont know what to expect. I try the garlic ex. and mix up the diet and hope for the best.


Nah, the damsels will probably be okay. My suggestion is go out and grab some freeze dried krill. Puffers, especially porcs LOVE this stuff.

fish boy

the way i got mine to eat is i got a squere and put krill at the end ans waved it around in front of the puffer and he ate it ever since


Thanks for all the feedback. I went out this weekend and got some krill. Thats what he was waiting for he's eating like theres no tomorrow. So far he hasnt harassed the damsels to much. They move alot faster than he does.
Again Thanks!!!

jordan 150

Both my dogface and my old porcupine puffer love frozen krill they both ate within seconds of being put in the tank. give it a try


How big is your puffer anyway? Mine is about 7" and for the longest time i could only get it to eat live foods... eventually e came around to silversides and frozen krill and squid.


perchpsk: my puffer is about 4.5 inchs and so far he doesnt want anything to do with any live food, just the krill. how long did it take yours to reach its current size?
Demo: I've been tring to stay away from the DSB. I've currently got 2 reefs and two fish only tanks and have had great luck with the CC. If its not broke dont fix it..Right???


Great! Now that he's eating...try soaking the freeze dried krill in Zoe before feeding, that way you'll be sure he's getting all the nutrition he needs. Never met a porc that could ignore krill!


New Member
just wondering if my porci. puffer might not be gettin everyting he needs? i go to the local wal-mart and get 3-4" shrimp tails for the sea food market, puffer loves it and eats about 1/2 a tail a day. is this a good thing?


Its good for the most part, but like we mentioned earlier for the krill, soaking food in ZOE or some other marine vitamin supplement will ensure they get all the nutrition they need if they only eat one kind of food. When you put the shrimp tails in, do you leave the shell on at least part of it? This is very important to do for puffers since it keeps their teeth in excellent shape. You can strip the tail about 3/4 of the way, and leave the shell on the last 1/4. Soak that in ZOE for a bit and you have a perfect healthy recipe for happy puffers.