new puffer


:) I got a new porcupine puffer for my tank Saturday. He is healthy and doing fine. I would just like to verify what my LFS told me as far as feeding requirements. I was told to give him live fish every 3-4 days. The day I bought him I added a dozen very small guppies to the tank and he gobbled them right up. Is this the correct feeding info, Is there anything else he will eat?? Also, is it ok to put a horse shoe crab in with him?? Kinda want one. Thanx!


Pork's love krill and silversides. I think youre going to find that your current diet will be hard to maintain and even harder to change in the future. Try the krill. I feed mine 3-4 every 2 days.
Good luck there great fish.


feeding live fish to me is always a last resort for a few reasons,try krill,clams,silversides, or scallops that might be better in the long run...


New Member
I also have a new puffer and was about to ask a diet question when I saw this. I hope you don't mind me joining in, I think we're intrested in the same thing. I've tried frozen krill and shrimp and he seems to like it - but only if I hand feed him! The first time I did this he ate 3/4 the (very small) shrimp in one bite. I could see it buldging in his belly. He sat on the bottom for about a 18 hours after that. Argh. He's fine now. But he only seems interested in meaty foods not dried algae on a clip, like I read. Does anyone have any suggestions on greens? BTW - what a cool fish! He IS like an "aqua-dog."


New Member
i see u have the eclipse set up
like mine
hows ur clown and puffer doing and how big are they
im planning on getting a clown
do they bite each other??


New Member
Both the puffer and clown are fine. The puffer seems to ignore the clown, but the clown was acting a little miffed when I added the puffer. Both are about 3.5 inches. I did notice one of the clown's fins had a couple of scuffed-up looking marks on it soon after I added the puffer but I think he just scaped it on some rock. The puffer tried to take his rock he'd been living under, so he was doing a lot of posturing. Now they seem to have worked it out. No biting that I've seen.
As far as the Eclipse goes, I like it but did not realize that adding a protien skimmer would be nearly impossible. :( So I've been doing water changes ever 2-3 weeks or so. Do you have a skimmer? If so how is it rigged-up?