New Puppy? What is it worth?


So, started looking for a dog about 2 moths ago. Finally settled on a breed (Komondor). Usually puppies are around $1,000. I found the only known litter in the States right now. The lady is 5 hours away, and she does not want to meet half way, I have to go the whole distance. I also can not "stud" the dog out, my only option is to line breed with the dog's aunt (this is not inbreed). The contract is pretty iron clad. The other problem is as of today the dog is 18 weeks old. She is wanting $800, I am not going to pay that. However, since I have never bought I dog I am not sure what I should offer her. Any suggestions on how you would proceed? Also, while I know it is a social responsibility, please dont tell me to adopt from a shelter. I looked that way at first and was not satisfied.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Takia
So, started looking for a dog about 2 moths ago. Finally settled on a breed (Komondor). Usually puppies are around $1,000. I found the only known litter in the States right now. The lady is 5 hours away, and she does not want to meet half way, I have to go the whole distance. I also can not "stud" the dog out, my only option is to line breed with the dog's aunt (this is not inbreed). The contract is pretty iron clad. The other problem is as of today the dog is 18 weeks old. She is wanting $800, I am not going to pay that. However, since I have never bought I dog I am not sure what I should offer her. Any suggestions on how you would proceed? Also, while I know it is a social responsibility, please dont tell me to adopt from a shelter. I looked that way at first and was not satisfied.
think of gas prices
not going to be a cheap visit then you need aplave to stay unless you plan on traveling 10 hours in the car for a dog when you can pay the same price at a pet store
for the record my dog is about 13 years old dog years i remind you.. still kikin and everyoen thinks hes a puppy and clocked him running at about 20 MPH ***)
:scared: its crazy and i love em.. so its worth buying a dog for sure


Active Member
you should adopt from a shelter. haha.
as ugly as komondors are, it wouldn't be worth $100 to me. but if it's what you want, go for it. I personally don't know if I'd be too keen on the "no breed" contract either.


Active Member
If you are going to pay that amount I would not accept the contract. I bought a
"Kalb tel Finnek" imported from Malta and am absolutely happy 1000%. I also have a silky terrier and a weiner. Love all 3 would not part with any. Dogs make a difference in your life. Barring allergies, they are great for the soul. Go with your gut instinct.


Active Member
go with an import before you go with a freaky-deaky contract. check references, ask for vet phone numbers, talk to pple who've also purchased animals from the breeder you're investigating.... If you want to be truly authentic, find someone in Hungary.
Also... if this is going to be your first dog, do you realize the expense and intensive work it will take to maintain that dog's coat? And shaving a dog specifically bred for it's fabulous coat seems a bit pointless, especially since you'll be paying top dollar basically for his hair. I suggest looking into some different breeds. Wheaton Terriers look something like komondors, have beautiful soft coats that are easily cared for, and all have FABULOUS personalities.
Before looking for another breeder, I suggest looking at other breeds.


Actually, maintenance wise it is not all that bad. I have had dogs all of my life, couldn’t live without one..... This is just the size of dog that I want and another consideration was the shedding issue. Since Komondors do not shed there is a hypo allergenic quality to them! I talked to my vet and they are really onboard with the puppy as the medical records from their vet were sent up this week. Thanks for all of the input!


Active Member
Why would you spend that much on a dog?
You can get a dog just as good, if not better that actually deserves a home more than a stuckup dog.
I can't see spending over $400 for a dog, and even that much is painful.
You pay that much and the lady tells you what you can and can't do with it? I think not. Tell her where she can shove her dog.


Originally Posted by ImUrNamine
Why would you spend that much on a dog?
You can get a dog just as good, if not better that actually deserves a home more than a stuckup dog.
I can't see spending over $400 for a dog, and even that much is painful.
You pay that much and the lady tells you what you can and can't do with it? I think not. Tell her where she can shove her dog.
Actually I spent $1000 on my JRT. They are normaly a very hyper dog. I found a breeder in Virginia that bread Jacks specifically for calm temperment. She only uses the calmest and sweetest ones for parents. Her deal was the same. She said she would send me his pedigree when I sent her proof of neutering him. Somehow I got lucky and she forgot that part. I paid her to meet me half way and she brought his pedigree with her. He came with an avid chip that is registered to her as well, so if he ever gets lost and I could not be found he would go back to her. IMO it was money well spent. He is very calm and sweet. He is a little nuts sometimes, like when I first get home, but he calms right down again. He will be two on the 25th of this month. I say go for it if it is what you want.


Active Member
A Komondor, talk about dred locs :hilarious . Well at least you can also mop a floor with him. Had the same encounter when we bought a Sealyham Terrier. Rare breeds often fetch a higher prices like this. 1000 bucks is not unusual, try looking at English Bulldog prices sometime. I think you will find that 1000 bucks is the norm for a rare breed such as the Komondor.


Active Member
I don't know where you guys are located, but 1000$ for a rare breed is NOTHING; at least not here on the east coast. In new Jersey there's this whole fad now of breeding two purebreds together. First it was the "Cockapoo" (cocker spaniel and poodle), and now it's the "Puggle," (pug and beagle). These dogs are MUTTS, but our clients pay upwards of 1200 smackers for them. You're gonna pay 6-1300 dollars in a pet store around here for ANYTHING, and those dogs don't even have pedigrees; they mostly come from mills.

If you can find a reputable breeder who keeps their dogs in excellent conditions and provides proper veterinary care and good nutrition, then their dogs are worth any price as far as I'm concerned. It's not the breeders we need to put out of business, it's the puppy mills.


Active Member
I searched for my Choc. Lab for 6 months before purchasing.
There were many places around here (Southern IL) that had Labs, but I was very specific...great pedigree (his father was a 3 time Field Trial Champion, in the US) and yellow eyes. I found a place over 2 hours away, drove up there and ended up picking out the runt...he fit into the palms of my hands. 2 years later, I went back to visit and the breeder took one look at him and said it was the largest Lab they'd ever had, in like 20 years of breeding.
4 hours, roundtrip and $600 later, I had my puppy...that was almost 9 years ago.
You gotta get what you want...even if it is a mop dog.
If you've spent this much time searching, etc. then it doesnt matter what it costs. I am, however, like alot of the other people here...I'm not too keen on that contract. As others have said, if you can search the home country and have one imported, for the same price, I'd definately go that route.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
I searched for my Choc. Lab for 6 months before purchasing.
There were many places around here (Southern IL) that had Labs, but I was very specific...great pedigree (his father was a 3 time Field Trial Champion, in the US) and yellow eyes. I found a place over 2 hours away, drove up there and ended up picking out the runt...he fit into the palms of my hands. 2 years later, I went back to visit and the breeder took one look at him and said it was the largest Lab they'd ever had, in like 20 years of breeding.
4 hours, roundtrip and $600 later, I had my puppy...that was almost 9 years ago.
You gotta get what you want...even if it is a mop dog.
If you've spent this much time searching, etc. then it doesnt matter what it costs. I am, however, like alot of the other people here...I'm not too keen on that contract. As others have said, if you can search the home country and have one imported, for the same price, I'd definately go that route.
Wheezy, :hilarious you always have some cool avitars man.


A grand isn't bad at all, but no one mentioned important stuff in this thread, I would rather pay more, and get a dog that parents have OFA certs on their hips & elbows, that will save more then the cost of the dog down the for the contract its pretty standard...most good breeders will only give limited AKC reg for "pet" quality and you HAVE to have them spayed or Neutered....Show quality dogs often can only be bred with certain dogs as the breeder doesn't want his or her name on some crappy dogs...My biggest concern when I got my dogs was the OFA Excellent or Good, I would accept nothing less with large breed dogs.


Staff member
I just looked up this breed. Hard to believe this one doesn't shed! LOL


Active Member
Any dog you buy from a purebred breeder will come along with a contract similar to that. My parents have bought a couple of standard poodles from breeders. One of them came from champion show lines and they had to sign a contract stating that since they were buying him as a pet and not as a show dog they had to get him neutered within 6 months. If they wanted to keep him as a show dog the price would have been twice as much (about $2400) and the breeder would get to choose who to breed him with.


Active Member
A good breeder is very important, my wife purchased a mini schnauzer before we were married from alsips in nw indiana, well they have a very bad rep and my wife justs didnt know, mostly cause it was her 1st dog.
Our dog has had several health issues mostly due to alsips being a puppy mill.
You get what you pay for and if you get a unhealthy dog you will be paying alot more than 1k in the long run.


New Member
Contracts like that are common when you go with a responsible breeder. They have worked hard to get certain temperments, qualities etc. in their line of dogs. The parents should have been tested for several genetic things such as hips/eyes/certain problems related to the breed...that costs money. $1,000 isn't all that much for a dog that is well bred, its a drop in the hat when you think about how much vet bills, food, toys etc. will cost over the lifespan of the dog.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
If you are going to pay that amount I would not accept the contract. I bought a
"Kelb tal Finek" imported from Malta and am absolutely happy 1000%. I also have a silky terrier and a weiner. Love all 3 would not part with any. Dogs make a difference in your life. Barring allergies, they are great for the soul. Go with your gut instinct.
I had to edit my post as I spelled it wrong.


How did this go, was the breeder from Chelsea Michigan?????I'm looking into getting one, please let me know of your experiences.